If you have a look on youtube @backinblack (you must be a ACDC fan) powerfuluk have some vidoes up on taking dash apart, at least you are coming from one model of Land Rover to another so at least it wont be too much of a shock if and when it breaks lol !
@kds I was a bit of an ACDC fan in my youth, I embroidered it on my denim jacket many years ago but took it off again cos I got a lot of comments from people who didn't know who they were:)
The Backinblack was because I had a Blue 300tdi which I couldn't be arsed welding so part ex'd it for an unbreakable subaru which broke so got part ex't for a black TD5 Disco, hence backinblack.
Another reason I like Land Rovers is because I can walk to my local Landy garage for my bits on the very rare occasion it breaks :D

Oh and cheers for the headsup on the dash.
It was my own fault for connecting my foxwell and spending 20 minutes going through the numberous fault codes on the ecu's.
I'll put my battery charger on tomorrow and get the biggest piece of paper I can find and make a list.
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forgive my ignorance with tires but I assume the 22" and 16" are the same diameter with tires on?
no problem, I'm going past an alloy wheel shop on my way to work in the morning so will see if they have anything lying around

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