People like Datatek and Martyuk know way more on electrical stuff than I ever will. My basic knowledge dug up from some chemistry lesson 20 years ago tells me the battery takes a shed load of power when it is empty and then that will drop off as it is charged until when fully charged it just needs a trickle to keep it topped up. So it sounds like they have replicated that with their alternator. Should make the battery last longer although with all that complication you have to wonder if the alternator will.
I used to fit smart regulators to alternators on boats. They would charge at the full output of the alternator controlled by 4 main parameters, battery voltage via current free sense wires, battery temperature, alternator temperature and time. At intervals the charge voltage would drop to trickle charge level and depending on the voltage on the sense wires would resume if necessary. This ensured that the batteries were rapidly fully charged, something that would have taken for ever with a standard regulator.
Had the battery on charge for 24h , V are well up now , put it back on the RR started it up and took another reading of 14.4 I think fingers crossed it will be ok now. I will let you know if that changes ,thanks for all your input
Hi all, after 3 weeks of no turn over clicks the problem returned
Had to bite the bullet and remove starter. Nice job if you have the arms and hands of a two year old. Certainly tested my determination. Striped starter and replaced contact and plunger good clean up refitted,
Worth the time and effort to save a fortune and not hear that dreaded click click.

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