
New Member
Hi everyone.i am sure all you guys and girls on here have heard this one loads of times but I am struggling to fix my 2007 rr sport 2.7.
The following faults are hdc inactive
Suspension lowered
Specials functions off.
If any one can point me in the right direction would be much appreciated.


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If any one can point me in the right direction would be much appreciated.

How old is the battery?
These vehicles need a premium battery in perfect condition, or errors are created on starting the engine, because the battery voltage drops too much.
If the battery is a cheap one or more than 3 years old, then that's the first thing to replace. There's no guarantee it'll solve this issue, but for errors on missing data on starting it normally does.
How old is the battery?
These vehicles need a premium battery in perfect condition, or errors are created on starting the engine, because the battery voltage drops too much.
If the battery is a cheap one or more than 3 years old, then that's the first thing to replace. There's no guarantee it'll solve this issue, but for errors on missing data on starting it normally does.
+1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1st that diag is no good for that car you will need a landrover dedicated code reader which will point you in the right direction.
2nd most commonly is the air suspension pump and associated components.

Can you here the pump running at start up ?
Plus 1 what’s already been mentioned

see in ur first picture about a steering wheel angle sensor , if that’s not calibrated that can also throw up errors , U codes can normally be ignored , ref ur battery please check to see what it is first thing in the morning before starting the engine , indeed as other have said a good battery is paramount with these vehicles

After you’ve written down all the codes , clear everything and then rescan for any fault codes, if nothing comes up, drive it round the block and then do it again, after driving it a short distance once errors come up on the dashbiard, pull over and then yet again so another full scan , please then let us know what fault codes come up as that will help a lot

hope that also helps a little

ps, as a side note , many of us have got a basic scanner which we keep in our glove boxes works well with landrover , called an Autel AP200 in white as they’re are different coloured ones, the white one is the best to get and are only around £50.00 , also have one

best scanner is a gap iid, but alas there around £420 , they will do virtually everything a garage one can do
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1st that diag is no good for that car you will need a landrover dedicated code reader which will point you in the right direction.
2nd most commonly is the air suspension pump and associated components.

Can you here the pump running at start up ?

hi mate

hope ur good, funny enough I also wondered that if it was suitable

A while back I looked at one of these seeing it’s bi directional and checked as it can also activate the turbo actuator where u can monitor its % angle

hi, also before I forget seeing ur landy is a 2007 , have u had the oil pump replaced with one of the improved ones please , as the later ones had a stronger casing, earlier ones were prone where the corner of the casing would break off leading to serious engine damage

hope u didn’t mind me mentioning it
I have fitted a new steering angle sensor and have used my friend's very expensive scanner to try and calibrate the sensor but it always says failed.
I have fitted a new steering angle sensor and have used my friend's very expensive scanner to try and calibrate the sensor but it always says failed.

Must confess I’m not surprised with the very expensive scanner not working as some simply don’t have the software to access JLR systems

know many of us have dedicated land rover diagnostic scanners , suppose the only other option u have is see if ur friend has another scanner or to try and find a local land rover garage

great the engine works ok, it was just a heads up that from 2007 these engines had weak oil pumps, fingers crossed urs has been changed
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I have fitted a new steering angle sensor and have used my friend's very expensive scanner to try and calibrate the sensor but it always says failed.
It's irrelevant how expensive a scanner is, if it doesn't have the necessary software for the vehicle, it's isn't going to calibrate it.
The IID will calibrate the steering angle sensor in under a minute.
If you want to play with the electronics in these vehicles, you have to use the correct equipment. ;)
It's irrelevant how expensive a scanner is, if it doesn't have the necessary software for the vehicle, it's isn't going to calibrate it.
The IID will calibrate the steering angle sensor in under a minute.
If you want to play with the electronics in these vehicles, you have to use the correct equipment. ;)

plus 1 ^^^^ I managed to sort it,but half way home it turned on again.reset all the suspension and now it goes up and down but when you lower it,it will go up into off road mode and the front sits lower.

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