You will need more than a namocom to keep that thing starting when it begins to drizzle. Take it from me P38s are armoured enough. Tried and tested ;)
Have seen a few of these armored SUV's, however the the trim levels were no where near this one. The engineering in these things is pretty amazing as they look and behave like a standard vehicle. Yes they are going to be pretty thirsty due to the weight and probably have at least an extra alternator to generate all the additional electronics that is also installed.
Ideal official car for the current transport secretary, judging by the flak he's been getting recently !
I had a friend who owned a Shorland armoured LR, not quite as luxurious though :rolleyes:
The few armoured vehicles I've seen just look standard like an Audi or vauxhall and blend in. Don't notice til you need two hands to pull the door open.
Saw a convoy of RR's escorting Blair years ago. They were all black and gave way for nothing - the car in middle, which I presume was himself, was a greyish omega or something similar? Nothing flash but bet it was armoured up.

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