
New Member
Does anyone know how to program my 2007 Range Rover Vogue to lock all the doors automatically when driving off.
I don't know how to do it, but that is a requirement in the USA so I guess it might be a country change in the BCU.
Does anyone know how to program my 2007 Range Rover Vogue to lock all the doors automatically when driving off.

Turn the door lock to 'lock' three times fairly quickly. This should enable the autolock.
However be aware that when you stop the doors won't automatically unlock. You either have to hit the central locking button or pull the door handle twice. And pulling the door handle twice will not unlock the back doors. You either have to push the central unlock button or lock the doors with the remote then unlock them all with the remote.
Didn't know you could enable this using the door lock ?
Is that only on the later models ?

As I enabled mine using the faultmate
I know that we're all grown ups on here (except Bix :p ) but just have to add, unless you're in a seriously rough location, locking all doors, automatically or otherwise, can be unadvisable. In the event of an accident it makes it harder for the emergency services to get to you and if you're in a situation where they are the ones trying to open the doors, then every second counts.
So perhaps taking a second to hit the lock button on the dash when you get in the vehicle and another second to unlock it, once you are out of the area you feel is dangerous, would be the way to go.
I know that we're all grown ups on here (except Bix :p ) but just have to add, unless you're in a seriously rough location, locking all doors, automatically or otherwise, can be unadvisable. In the event of an accident it makes it harder for the emergency services to get to you and if you're in a situation where they are the ones trying to open the doors, then every second counts.
So perhaps taking a second to hit the lock button on the dash when you get in the vehicle and another second to unlock it, once you are out of the area you feel is dangerous, would be the way to go.

Auto unlocks in the event of collision....through the SRS System

Mine has this auto locking feature enabled...
Ah,right, I wasn't aware it had that bit of trickery. So to those who have it, ignore my last. Although,personally, I still wouldn't do it. Firstly, because even with that new bit of knowledge I am left to think of the time I had an epic crash and the impact/crash engine off button thingy didn't work. Secondly because as someone who has attended numerous traffic accidents I know the names I would be calling (have called) anyone who made it harder for me to get to them.
However, I guess if you live somewhere so rough that you have to use such a feature , then the other factors become almost irrelevant.
I have my auto lock feature on. When sitting in traffic you feel a lot safer, especially when traveling through London and its lovely surrounding areas

I don't want no scum bag trying to open my doors ! Lol
U should always have your doors locked when in the car. Especially as carjacking cars like ours is on the increase due to better security.

The only other tip I would recommend is when stopping behind a car in a queue, make sure you can see the rear wheels of the car in front. That way you are assured of enough space to pull around and drive away if approached by an undesirable. And don't think it will never happen to you!
i have never locked my doors whilst driving - at least not for the last 40 years. maybe I just lived in "nice" areas?

most are family :eek:
Maybe your family, sure as feck they aint mine. also needed film on the inside of the side windows so when they bricked it the window stayed put long enough to get away. Had 2 maintenance contracts in the area, bloody nightmare:eek::eek::eek:
All of the above is why my location has a smiley face for Scotland and a frown for Englandshire ;) I have locked my doors in some areas but as soon as I get on a motorway or dual carriageway or other area where I feel 'safe' , I unlock them. I guess it's all down to personal experience and my personal experience is, when I am trying to get into a vehicle to assist/save someone I don't need the added issue of locked doors ;) However, I also understand that some areas are not safe but perhaps a happy medium could be reached, such as stated above.
Then again unlocked doors are no guarantee of happiness ........................ I pulled a woman out of a burning car (doors unlocked) , whose foot was trapped under the brake pedal. I managed to sprain her ankle whilst doing so ......................... the bitch then tried to sue me for her sprained ankle!! Next time she can :flame2: ;)
Turn the door lock to 'lock' three times fairly quickly. This should enable the autolock.
However be aware that when you stop the doors won't automatically unlock. You either have to hit the central locking button or pull the door handle twice. And pulling the door handle twice will not unlock the back doors. You either have to push the central unlock button or lock the doors with the remote then unlock them all with the remote.

Do you lock with the remote or the key in the lock.
Slightly off topic here,
When we were kids( I was about 15 or so) my dad owned a Renault 12 estate car.
Any how, my dad was driving, I was in the passenger seat, my mum and younger sister in the back.

We were driving into Hillsborough in sheffield from a small village called Oughtibridge that we lived in.

As we approached the infamous lepping lane traffic lights at Hillsborough ( stopped at red)
A bloke opens the rear passenger door and gets in the car and demands we drive him to Hillsborough.

My dad, all 6 foot 3 of him jumps out the car and runs round to the other side rear door, I jump out the passenger seat and assist my dad as he re-arranges this blokes head with 7/8 awesome punches.

The motto of this story is . There is always someone bigger,better,and angrier than you!

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