
Active Member
hi there, hope somone can help.

i have replased a window glass in a rr l322. it all works so to speek but the windor rises and falls in spits and spurts. as in, when you hold the button dawn it goes up two inch then pauses and gose up another two inches then pauses and so on and so on.

any help wuld be apreceated as i am sat scratching my head.

needles to say i have been dawn the rute of greesing everything checking for seesed fixings and the likes.
You may need to 'set ' the window. Run it down a few inches, then run it up to the top, let go of the button then press it up again and hold it for 3 or 4 seconds. The motor will know where the top of the window is and the overload protection should be reset. Cheers Ian
Not sure on the L322s but Spitfires advice sounds good to me. If they are like the P38 you have to wind the window right down and keep your fingure on the down for 2 seconds and then take it all the way up and hold again for 2 seconds then you will get a message saying "Window set" in the dash. Again dont know if this is true for the L322 but worth a go.

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