Chris Perkins

New Member
I've searched and can find no reference to an orange exclamation mark warning light on a Range Raver Classic....but I have one!

I'm in East Germany and it's -10 during the day.

I started the car (a 1990 3.9 V8 Auto) and let it run for 5-10 mins to get it warmed up. I then engaged reverse gear to get out of the drive and the engine cut out and an orange '!' illuminated on the dash, under the green right indicator arrow.

It wouldn't start immediately after this, but it did on the 2nd go without much trouble. The light is now continuously on but the car seems to drive fine and do all the things it should.

In the hand book it refers to a red '!' and says that it's something to do with EFI/emmissions. Is that the case, 'cept my light is orange?!

How can I look into it/fix it? Is it ok to drive? No one over here is going to have RR diagnostic stuff!

Any ideas? Thanks.

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