Paul Wootton

Well-Known Member
Anyone on here bought one lately from Ross on Wye with a speedo showing 133000,the true mileage of this vehicle was about 219000 as it was clocked in 2006 as shown on the MOTs,I notified the dealer of this but he put it back on ebay as was.
I made the mistake of buying a RR from him which was not as stated and offered the above in exchange but a vehicle check was made which disclosed the above.
He advertises as an expert on P38 and only sells the best ?????
He is now ignoring my contacts so it looks like a small claims court job.
Almost bought a red 2.5 dHSE From a bloke in Ross, advertised as "impeccable" turned out to be a pile of shít..

Might be the same bloke.. can't remember his name though.
Offered me the autobiography YR51 NTM, PO51 LMK, W138 VFV,
A 1995 as well, all his own cars ????
Time he declared as a dealer to ebay


to nigel.brain


I would like to draw your attention to your description of the car T5RLS and ask if you really do think it was so good,when I complained you offered to exchange it for the autobiographic which seemed a good swap,until I found that the correct mileage was not 133K but 219K yet you still relisted it on ebay without disclosing the fact,leaving people to believe the instrument reading.

Next after 6 weeks of waiting you offer me another car and lie about when it would be delivered.

I kept this car as I have totally lost trust in dealing with you even though I am left with a bill of about £1000 to correct all the problems with this as that should not have been on the road.

The following is a list of replacement parts that had to be fitted before and MOT

1.New Instrument panel which was the cause of the electrical problems.

2.Recon air pump for suspension as item fitted would not reach pressue

3.Top and Bottom suspension ball joints as worn to unsafe level.

4.Track Rod ends.

5.4 wheels and tyres for MOT

The cost do not include labour.

It seems that you are not checking these cars before you offer them for sale and this is contrary to the sale of goods act and as you are classed as a motor trader these apply to you and should be disclosed on ebay etc.

Before I do anything further I would like your comments as I have no desire to make life difficult for anyone but please check with one of the vehicle search people,the one I supplied gives basic info about mileage and mot for free.
It used to be 6 cars a year or more to count as a dealer. If it is a dealer then usual terms and conditions apply.
After a lot of googling just found this forum.

Had the misfortune of buying a discovery 3 from him. When first delivered had 3 bald tyres, I refused the vehicle and he took it away and replaced them. Then when I collected it 5 minutes down the road it developed an oil pressure fault. He has had the car back and tried to fix it to no avail.

He is holding my money and refusing me a refund, even though I have tried to exercise my statutory right to reject the vehicle as it is not fit for purpose. Can you please update me how things turned out?

Considering court action against him myself.

After a lot of googling just found this forum.

Had the misfortune of buying a discovery 3 from him. When first delivered had 3 bald tyres, I refused the vehicle and he took it away and replaced them. Then when I collected it 5 minutes down the road it developed an oil pressure fault. He has had the car back and tried to fix it to no avail.

He is holding my money and refusing me a refund, even though I have tried to exercise my statutory right to reject the vehicle as it is not fit for purpose. Can you please update me how things turned out?

Considering court action against him myself.

Contact the local trading standards,they were most helpful but to date no real result.
If you have no vehicle or money returned I would think it amounts to
theft,a word with your local plod may be a good idea,also lodge a complaint with ebay
he works for Oxford University,they might not realise he is a carb trader.
Contact the local trading standards,they were most helpful but to date no real result.
If you have no vehicle or money returned I would think it amounts to
theft,a word with your local plod may be a good idea,also lodge a complaint with ebay
he works for Oxford University,they might not realise he is a carb trader.

Hi Mate, funnily enough my girlfriend is actually local plod. Unfortunately it’s more a civil matter than criminal at the minute. Any chance I could contact you about this tomorrow and we could have a proper chat?

Contact the local trading standards,they were most helpful but to date no real result.
If you have no vehicle or money returned I would think it amounts to
theft,a word with your local plod may be a good idea,also lodge a complaint with ebay
he works for Oxford University,they might not realise he is a carb trader.

I would contact the University. If word gets out they are employing a rogue trader they won't like the publicity. Incidentally, it might be worth an email to Watchdog or indeed Mark Albright at Rogue Traders. Watchdog were very supportive to me when I had some issues a long while ago.
I would contact the University. If word gets out they are employing a rogue trader they won't like the publicity. Incidentally, it might be worth an email to Watchdog or indeed Mark Albright at Rogue Traders. Watchdog were very supportive to me when I had some issues a long while ago.
It’s unlikely he’s actually a professor of maths let alone at Oxford university. There’s nothing online to back his claims like any thesis papers written or a profile on any University websites etc.

That’s a good idea I hadn’t thought of that. I’m fully prepared to do anything it takes to get the situation resolved

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