
New Member
Hiya, my freelander rpm needle keeps jumping around at idle lately. When its cold on a morning it idles at 1100 rpm then once i get to work its about 800rpm and today it was jumping between 700 and 800 rpm. Whats going on ? Is this normal ?

They rev higher on tick over when cold to warm them up quicker. Revs on tick over drop when warm.
It a k series 51 plate mate. That makes sence hippo, even when it warm up tho it keeps reving up and down from 700-800 rpm i can feel it through the car is that normal aswell ?
It a k series 51 plate mate. That makes sence hippo, even when it warm up tho it keeps reving up and down from 700-800 rpm i can feel it through the car is that normal aswell ?

Maybe clean the IAC valve [Inlet Air Control]. Pull the hose off and spray some carby cleaner into the valve itself, others have used WD40 instead.
Had the same problem myself and sprayed WD40 into it which helped a lot. I also ended up replacing plugs, plug leads and coil packs. If yours has a distributor cap you might need to change it and the rotor arm too.
I think changing the coil packs made the biggest difference.

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