I posted a link of that one, was a motronic one so needed edc codes so bumped it up + 250m round trip was working out better to buy new.
No, unless very cheap, obsolete.


You are not quite correct Keith :p

The Rovacomlite is no longer made and has been superceded by the Faultmate.
BBS will still repair the Lite-providing they have the parts otherwise they can give a trade in value against a new Faultmate and transfer the installed software over. The software modules are compatible with both previous and present hardware.
Remember, it's the modules which cost the money, especially if they are Multi Vehicle licences.
At that price, if the modules are what you will find of use, it's well worth a punt in my opinion.

I think I have found the item.
There is around £800 worth of Multi Vehicle software for the P38 loaded on to it.
If I still had the P38, I would definately be thinking about it if I had the cash available as there is always the possibility of getting some return using it on other P38's.
+1 to that John,
I had a nanocom which was tied to the vin. I now use a rovacomlite and it does the same job with the added benefit of being multi vehicle. It came with my second p38 which was handy:)
I stand corrected John:eek:

Not too often Keith !!!!

I think it should run on Win 7. Maybe the guys with Faultmates can confirm. I reckon it's better to get a cheap laptop running Win 98 or preferably XP and use that instead if you have problems....plenty of them on Ebay for small money.
Thanks Irishrover, i saw thinks may be a small toughbook with xp to keep in car.


Second hand Toughbooks are dead cheap and many of them come with a car charging adaptor thrown in. I have one and have used it for years, even the most basic CF-27 with a 6gb HDD is more than ample for use with Rovacomlite/Faultmate and RAVE. I keep mine just for use with diagnostics alone.
You may have to load it with an OS as many come with the HDD wiped, as stated in my previous post loading it with Win98, 2000 or XP would be fine-the diagnostics would work fine on any of them.
Another advantage of the Toughbook is that it has a RS232 Serial port which the diagnostics will connect to and in my opinion using that port gives a faster data transfer than a USB-Serial adaptor lead. That said, the Toughbook has a USB port as well if you want to go along that route.
If you do purchase the kit, ask the owner to transfer ownership via BBS to you otherwise you could have problems signing up to BBS support forum or purchasing additional modules in the future.
Good Luck:)
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Vehicle Explorer seems to run on Win 7, avoid Vista like the plague, it's worse than a dose of Ebola.
Yahoo just won my self the rovacom no just got to go get it then have a little play
once ive read the instructions cover to cover, happy days .
Yahoo just won my self the rovacom no just got to go get it then have a little play
once ive read the instructions cover to cover, happy days .


Great Stuff!! I have been watching it and there were no bids as of this morning. I was wondering if you were going to go for it !!
One thing is certain, you have got yourself a bargain !!
Just a reminder...Ask the seller to complete the change of ownership form (Done online on the Blackbox site).
If you need and help or info on setting it up on your PC, drop me a PM. You will probably need to download the latest version of Vehicle Explorer from the BBS website-it's a free download but you need to be registered with BBS to access the Support section-I can help with this. You will need a 12VDC supply to the Rovacomlite (RCL) in order to install it onto your PC-this can be from either a car battery, battery charger or a plug in wall charger rated at around 2 amp (Cheap enough off Ebay).
Looking at the replies from Datatek and others, it appears that the kit will run ok on Win 7.
Thanks again Irishrover for your help
collecting tomorrow will talk to seller about change of ownership with BBS and go from there.
definitly a bargain.
Well picked it up yesterday got all the code to log in to BBS, loaded up laptop run fine a on windows 7 pluged it in and all works ok checked out a few bits found i dont have traction control, never mind and diesel pump modulation is at 69-70 so could do with adjusting,cleared all the blend motor faults so all in all very happy:):clap2:
Well picked it up yesterday got all the code to log in to BBS, loaded up laptop run fine a on windows 7 pluged it in and all works ok checked out a few bits found i dont have traction control, never mind and diesel pump modulation is at 69-70 so could do with adjusting,cleared all the blend motor faults so all in all very happy:):clap2:
A real bargain then:D

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