
Well-Known Member
I've just fitted one of these it has a rev counter, AFR guage and vacuum gauge. I've stuck it on the dash near the middle out of eye line and only blocking view of the bonnet. The wires and pipe are routed messily at the moment - what's the best way of getting wires to the top of the dash is there an easy way to get the dash top off I can't remember how it all goes together

The only thing holding the mantle piece on are the screws along the top including the vent screws.
You will have to loosen the end covers to get it off.
There is a bracket in the centre of the bulkhead so you will have to come up one side or the other of it. But it's only just over an inch wide.
Oops. Just had a look at the link.
The square hole in the back plate is going to be over the bracket under the mantle.
You may be able to come up in front of this bracket (it holds the central screw on the dash top). Look to drill out about 2 inches from the windscreen.
You should be able to rout cables along the wiper tube to behind the speedo box.
Thanks Bobs, sounds like I should be able to do it outside the house rather than driving up to the workshop then!



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