
Started renovation 2 years ago, now its time for me to replace the windscreen washer pipes, and for love of gerbils I cannot remember where thet went into the bulkhead from engine bay and out into the cab {if they actually went into the cab} to the jets... I am sure I did not see them on display when I stripped it down.
Could anybody please send me some pics

Much appreciated in advance

Ramraider -
I recently did this install on my Series IIA, so not sure if this helps. Here is my YouTube video:

You just run the tubing from the jets along one side of the dash where the jets come inside, and out the bulkhead at a convenient spot.
Run the single wire from the switch to the washer pump along the tubing using cable ties.
I hope this helps.
Mine was "cable tied" to the wiper cable tubes back to the wiper motor and then through the bulkhead where heater motor cables go through.
If you want to go 'non standard' you can get a bonnet mounted jet nozzle and drill one hole in the bonnet and fit it there. The pipe then clips to the underside of the bonnet, to the bulkhead, then to wing, then to the water bottle. Doing this means you wont be able to fit a spare wheel on the bonnet though.
If you want to go 'non standard' you can get a bonnet mounted jet nozzle and drill one hole in the bonnet and fit it there. The pipe then clips to the underside of the bonnet, to the bulkhead, then to wing, then to the water bottle. Doing this means you wont be able to fit a spare wheel on the bonnet though.

That's how it was set up on my last series 3, and it only worked when stationary. When moving the water just didn't make it to the screen, just got blown away! Of course it passed the MOT!!
Mine run from the jets along the spiral linkage to the motor then through the bulkhead, down the inner wing and into the bottle. The motor is riveted to the inner wing next to the bottle.

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