What diesel are you using?.

sometimes if there is water in the diesel it will hunt at tickover.
Also i would change fuel filter because it could be flooded with water.

Sometimes if you are pulling air in it will hunt at tickover.
Change o rings either side of fuel filter then change clear plastic fuel pipes and rubber injector bleed off pipes and check that all injectors are secure because if loose it will drag air in and cause it to hunt.

I’ve ordered a pump from Island 4x4 cheapest i could find, for £98 + P&P £5 01795 580332 hope this sorts it out, its only a 3/4 of an hour job, if i get it the w/end should be sorted thanks for your help, if it works i will tell you all

Edit to say....im a plonker stuck it in the wrong section sorry lol
Thanks brookediamond. I changed the pump in the tank about a month ago coz it was playing up. Also changed the fuel filter. Also change the leak off pipes twice coz the new set expanded within 2 weeks, just put a new set on tonight run like a dream and road tested ok. Then my mate said come over got to his place and it cut out. so i turned round and it played up all the way home then cut out on the drive. Back to the drawing board too dark now.
hello brooke just wondered if the coolant temp sensor could upset anything. I also failed to say if i hold the throttle at about 2000rpm the revs will slowly drop 500 to 1000 rpm then either pick back up or the engine dies like it's full of air. i will try to get some clear fuel line to see what happens to the fuel.
I did disconnect the fuel line on the out side of the fuel filter aand put it in a pot of diesel and it run the same.

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