I went for first time, had a good day, even if i broke my rear diff! I was in the white rangie classic
New one ready to go in tomorrow, ready for next time. I managed to get my mates to crawl under my rangie and take prop off as I was not too well that morning. Least thats what I told them anyway........I saw ya, I broke my rear diff there aswell a few pay and play days ago.
im going for 1st time..green disco
Who's going tomorrow?
Had been out night laning didn't get in while 2:30am think we knocking the pay n play on the head for abit it's knocking the fook outta my poor Landy lol , will have to get another to abuse lol
Paul was I paked in your way when you were leaving? Was that you?
next to telegraph pole? if so yep it was
it is, next play day is 21st, then 4th for bonfire night...google is your friend