
my Disco 2 seems to leak as the inside front corner of the rooflining gets wet just on drivers side. I have had a look but cant seem to see the cause. No wet lining near sunroof at all!!
Any idea?
Yeh it will be your front sunroof leaking it always shows itself in the front corners . The rear always seems to come out the centre piller by seat belts . And it's almost always the outer seal (frame to body ) not the rubber seal the glass sits on . I fixed mine over 18 months ago with a cheap tube of auto sealent . It only takes a very very small bead to fix, can't even hardly see it . And it beats taking all the head lining out and sunroofs apart .
Some will say its your drip lines that are bust or blocked ( they won't be wrong ) but if you stop the leak theres no need for them unless you like leaving your roof in the tilt position on wet days .only one of the four drip lines on mine is still attached , and like I said no leaks in over 18months .
Mine was leaking in a similar spot. Stripped the headling out and there was no sign of water ingress from any part of the sunroofs. Turned out to be the windscreen seal. When I had a new windscreen fitted when the old one got damaged ;), there was a gap in the sealant bead around the frame that had caused the leak. Now completely water tight (he says, with everything crossed)
^^^^^ good point . If you just had ya windscreen done or the leak started some time after that would be on my check list to . At least it's the summer ,so no chance of rain for a few months .............. DOH !!

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