adrian taylor

New Member
HI i cant dicide which way round to put my roof tent there seem to good and bad points for all directions front ,back ,side .got to chop my roof rack about so i want to get it right any thoughts much apprectiated ADRIAN
towards the bonnet.....wont hurt so much when ya fall out in the morning
HI i cant dicide which way round to put my roof tent there seem to good and bad points for all directions front ,back ,side .got to chop my roof rack about so i want to get it right any thoughts much apprectiated ADRIAN

You are right, good and bad points for all options. I put mine out the side, because being able to use the downstairs room as a changeroom/bog/shower was more important to me than having shelter over the back door, which is also usefull. Can't see any reason to put it out front, you don't get shelter or a downstairs room.

Here is another tip, don't buy a tent from ebay seller Rosepeath Garage / Land Rover Roof Tents Because if it arrives with a hole in it, they won't give a ****, and will just ignore your emails. The German ebay seller that sells the same tent have much better customer service, despite being all the way over in Germany
Always have my tent to the front, just for one reason. If you go with groups some always tend to stick close to each other. I like it to have some space around me when I wake up.

So when fitted to the front you can just start your car and change position. done that for years.

Only vacation with the tent to the back was in 2007, Reason was that I couldn`t find a cheap rack for the disco in short time.
I still prefer the front mounting
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Front fit lets you have dry(ish) storage for shoes/ashtray/crap on bonnet. Also if you have roof jerry cans you get better balance putting them at the back - remember full they're ±45kg - it's alot of weight.

You have a shorter ladder, less weight but allows for pillow space in tent, as it mounts to bullbar. I have an awning so wasn't interested in extra 'room.'

Hannibal always fit to the front on a 90 at the factory in Cape Town, I was there last week I should have asked them why :rolleyes:

Reckon stability would be one reason too - that long stalky ladder might be prone to twist? And as yer man said being able to drive about is really useful - going to get more wood/see game albeit at slow slow speeds is great.
remember full they're ±45kg - it's alot of weight.

I dont an empty can weighs in at 20kg ;)

maybe 5kg at most. Water is 1kg/litre, therefore fuel should be around that, think its actually lighter. so 25kg at most.

:blabla: sorry.

Sorry to hijack the thread but what's the advantage of having one of these tents?

When I first saw a picture of one, I thought "Oh, that's cool!". But thinking about it, it basically immobilises your vehicle until you pack it all up. Whereas with a conventional tent, you're still free to leave the camp site for awhile without having to take your tent with you etc.

So what's the main advantage of having a tent like this? Or is it just the novelty of having a tent on a car? lol


I think they were developed originally in Africa and Australia and meant to keep you up above the dust and animals .. ;)

'course, I could be wrong ... but it seems plausible enough.
Having looked at most available in UK, but used none, they look heavy and inflexible - basically 1950's technology - not a modern fabric, or curved alloy pole in sight. I would very much like to see a lightweight modern tent which sleeps two adults and two kids and which can be used on the roof (safe from animals and allows layby overnight stops) and on the ground (allows you to stay for a while and use the vehicle). Anyone know of any such thing ?

Having looked at most available in UK, but used none, they look heavy and inflexible - basically 1950's technology - not a modern fabric, or curved alloy pole in sight. I would very much like to see a lightweight modern tent which sleeps two adults and two kids and which can be used on the roof (safe from animals and allows layby overnight stops) and on the ground (allows you to stay for a while and use the vehicle). Anyone know of any such thing ?



or Oasis RTT, made by the french.


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