
New Member
2 strips on either side of the car where a roof rack sits in ? Plastic covers that run from front to back... Not ssure what they are called? Anyone know where i can pick up some secondhand ones? Or know of any good landrover breakers yards in Surrey??
Cheers :)

no idea myself but try the site sponsor - they are usually spot on and not too dear. Do you know if the P38 roof profile is the same as the L322 as this might be an option

good luck
Site sponsor?and no I dont know if the p38 and L322 roofs are the same either?? Had a shogun for years so not used to landies ?
What happened to the original ones mate?
There's a breaker near me with a P38 in, probably get them off that, but postage and packing would be a pain :(
"apparently " according to the bloke I bought it off, they were ripped off by monkeys when they took it into a safari park!! Who in their right mind would take a nice looking motor somewhere like that?! Would a p38 set fit an l322? If so that would be good. Got quoted £110 each from landrover dealer..
"apparently " according to the bloke I bought it off, they were ripped off by monkeys when they took it into a safari park!! Who in their right mind would take a nice looking motor somewhere like that?! Would a p38 set fit an l322? If so that would be good. Got quoted £110 each from landrover dealer..

heard it and seen it done by monkeys, and not only to "nice looking motors". and going to a safari, especialy if you have kids, is a bloody good day out. go and try it :)
I can't imagine L322 would fit. A website like 24/7 Spares may be worth a try, they email you if one is found at a breakers.
"apparently " according to the bloke I bought it off, they were ripped off by monkeys when they took it into a safari park!! Who in their right mind would take a nice looking motor somewhere like that?! Would a p38 set fit an l322? If so that would be good. Got quoted £110 each from landrover dealer..

This made me smile as many years back I took an mg metro through west midlands safari park kidder
Minster. Had to slow down through the monkeys and deep joy they pulled all the rubber bungs out of the spoiler! I was not popular on my return home. I had managed to stop and pick up a handful of bungs, needless to say more than I'd lost. Our daughter chanted all the way home "naughty monkeys, biting daddy's car" took a long time to live it down!

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