Eyop Sharky!

Thems same as mine. T'be honist they fit where they touch and cos o the shape o the roof rails the more you tighten em the more they bow upwards.:rolleyes:
Do the job ok though and fer that price, there cheap! paid 50 squids fer mine frum Alfs.:eek:
needed em in a hurry ;)

Ive even chucked a few scaffold board across mine to use as a work platform:eek: ;) :D usefull if yer ferget yer long ladders :eek:
Eyop Sharky!

Thems same as mine. T'be honist they fit where they touch and cos o the shape o the roof rails the more you tighten em the more they bow upwards.:rolleyes:
Do the job ok though and fer that price, there cheap! paid 50 squids fer mine frum Alfs.:eek:
needed em in a hurry ;)

Ive even chucked a few scaffold board across mine to use as a work platform:eek: ;) :D usefull if yer ferget yer long ladders :eek:

The reason im thinking of buying is to use it for my mountain bike, cant seem to find a rear-mounted bike carrier without attatching a tow bar and i dont really need a tow bar.

Any suggestions mondo.
**** yer then !
Find yer own ****in roof bars !
S'not like its complicated eh!
Even burds can manage shoppin! :rolleyes:

I found some that mounted on the rear wheel, is the wheel frame strong enough to take the weight of 2/3 bikes, heard some stories about it not being the best method.


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