
Well-Known Member
Has anyone seen these kinds of mounts before?

Should they be mounted so that the strut sits 'on-top' of the cross member, or mounted so that they are sitting in front of it?

There is enough wiggle room to convince me either way.

Cage / roll over bars are usually mounted on top. Are those struts for a hoop with demountable rear bars ?
Are you competing, or is it for show?
A roll cage is there to protect you when you turn over, and there should be no 'wriggle room' at all once it has been fitted!
AS an example, on a Comp Safari, many years ago, doing almost 60 along a rough forest track when I hit a tree root and flipped over! The properly fitted cage saved both me and my navvi ... it's amazing how quickly you come to a stop when upside down ... we were soon on our way again after the spectators hgad righted us, but we were not allowed to compete again that day as the cagew was too badly damaged for the RAC MSA inspectors to allow us to continue.
We lost to a chap called John Craddock(who borrowed my gearstick!) and Dave Simmonite, both good friends and great competitors.
Then Simmy went off and formed the AWDC.
Unfortunately, most of my competition mates are either dead or I've just lost track of them over the years.
Just how old are you Old Sea Dog ?;)
Some thirty years ago I had my one and only go at a Comp safari but after after flipping around and hurtling down a long steep hill backward [ rear brakes lost due to oil contamination because of blocked breather ] I decided comping was not for me . [ had a young family at the time and felt I had already pushed my luck grass track racing and microlight flying ] Still I was glad I had the protection of one of Drew Bowlers roll cage kits.:)
@Oldseadog the good old days.. monies thrown at a comper now like no object. & yes unfortunately I’ve been at fatals with the awdc where roll cages are still full intactt

@NiallRussell i would say these are for a hoop. Would not trust for roll over due to bolts could shear.
Just how old are you Old Sea Dog ?;)
Some thirty years ago I had my one and only go at a Comp safari but after after flipping around and hurtling down a long steep hill backward [ rear brakes lost due to oil contamination because of blocked breather ] I decided comping was not for me . [ had a young family at the time and felt I had already pushed my luck grass track racing and microlight flying ] Still I was glad I had the protection of one of Drew Bowlers roll cage kits.:)
Almost 70, and have lived it to the full. Had to give up on the CS stuff 35+ years ago, and then did a few years of RTV Trials before I had to move with work.
I stioll get dowqn and dirty, coz she's my 'big-boys Meccano set' :D:D
Not for comp, not for anything other than mounting the roof top tent.

As the fittings can be fitted either way round, the holes through the body can be about 2cm difference. Then there is another piece that goes from the floor to the body side, and then the roll cage. That second piece has some small movement allowed in the holes, so that can again be another 1 cm maybe.

I have the front drilled and ready, but I was wanted to see if I can insure that the back is lining up correct, it seems that I will have to put the cage on and sight everything before drilling though.
Cage / roll over bars are usually mounted on top. Are those struts for a hoop with demountable rear bars ?

@Oldseadog the good old days.. monies thrown at a comper now like no object. & yes unfortunately I’ve been at fatals with the awdc where roll cages are still full intactt

@NiallRussell i would say these are for a hoop. Would not trust for roll over due to bolts could shear.

Yeah I know where they go and what they bolt to and from, just not which way round they face.

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