
Active Member
I'm building a roll cage at the mo and was thinking of making this front sticky up bit but I don't no what it's for. Is it to help protect the bonnet if you are upside down.

My guess is it's to stop you going A over T if the front digs in at the bottom of a slope.
its to impale pedestrians - if using on the road you might want to check with your insurance before putting that on the front of your motor.
nah it needs some forward facing spikes if you want to impale :D

it might stop them flipping onto the bonnet and doing any damage if you mow a few down
To my knowledge, it is to prevent damage to the radiator in the event of a rollover (as in so stop it from being crushed and stop you from getting home!)
They are to help stop the car rolling forwards. Icelanders use a version of them to stop the car falling down a crevasse, if you have any where you live

Don't think one would help here though !!!


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