
I've got some lovely new rocksliders but I'm worried my passengers will look at them as sidesteps and do themselves a mischief, particularly if it's wet/raining.

What can I apply to the top of them to make them grippy?
Anti slip floor tape.

You can get a additive for paint as well but the tape would be neater.

Any good hardware store should have both.
Warn SWMBO not to drag any expensive shoes across the tape when getting in ! I didn't & got the bill for replacement s after they got scuffed badly when she dragged the side of a shoe across the tape !
I have used skateboard grip tape when I got mine many years ago, and its still on and going strong. Got mine in a nice long roll too.
Mr Nice - I like your thinking !

Heheheh "comfortable for bare feet" ... FFS man her up a bit, build her feet up for when she has to push ... ;)
Paul D - her feet don't need building up ! Without the shoes I wouldn't want to be in the way when they're moving fast - lol.

PS my new solution is no tape at all & a warning to be careful !

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