
Active Member
What a bugger I was driving along this morning started loosing power suddenly got worse it has broke the rocker shaft, the front bolt had pulled out took the shaft off and a helicoil was still on the front bolt, obviously the coil had pulled out dont know why. The question is how to repair it can you helicoil it again or drill a larger hole and helicoil a helicoil, are the liquid metals on the market as hard as they say they are, the other trouble is I think the first bolt is also the oil feed also, I dont want to get another head, gaskets, and all that carry on. Any of the experts have an answer to my dilema, any help would be appreciated.:(
I had it happen to me with a defender 200tdi but mine hadn't been helicoiled so that is what I did. My reading of your post is that it has already been helicoiled so the only option I can see is to try and replace the existing helicoil by carefully re tapping it very slowly with lots of grease on the tap and try a new insert. No gaurantee it will work but you might be lucky (I have known helicoils unscrew themselves when studs are removed but the thread is ok). If this won't work then I'm afraid don't know enough to make an informed decision on what to do next

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