
Active Member
hey guys i am leaking oil. after investigation i believe it is the rocker gasket as i found a lot of oil residue around it and on the pipes below. the gasket was put in by a mechanic about two months ago. would it be fine to just take the rocker of and re tighten with out actually changing the gasket.

To be honest, yes it would - if the gasket is okay, although best practice would be to put another new one on. I'd take the cover off and look at the gasket and decide then. It's a bit of a big thin cork type affair and it isn't that hard to get it positioned slightly wrong, so watch that. Perhaps that's what's happened. The bolts at the back are hard to reach and other stuff gets in the way when tightening them, so you end up ratching around for a spanner that'll get in there, probably using an open ended one or something. It's not that unusual for them to leak at the back for that reason.
does it matter if i torq it back correctly or can i just use normal spanner

after giving it a real clean i found a lot of oil on the front of the head and the big black plastic disk on the front is loose i think it is the cam shaft seal. should this be loose
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after giving it a real clean i found a lot of oil on the front of the head and the big black plastic disk on the front is loose i think it is the cam shaft seal. should this be loose

Looks like its not the rocker cover gasket after all!!!!

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