
Last weekend I had to do the injector harness on the old D2!

Read up on things straight forward but was not looking forward to the refit of the rocker box and new gasket!
Anyway no matter what I did I just could not keep the gasket in place at the back.
After 30 mins and much swearing (I don't normally swear!) I had to stop and have a cup of tea.
Then in the moment I had an idea! I placed the gasket and held it in place with small tie-wraps through the bolt holes. then sat it on top of the engine got everything located nice and just cut each one in turn and dropped the bolt in!

I've not seen it as a tip before but it does work!
Last weekend I had to do the injector harness on the old D2!

Read up on things straight forward but was not looking forward to the refit of the rocker box and new gasket!
Anyway no matter what I did I just could not keep the gasket in place at the back.
After 30 mins and much swearing (I don't normally swear!) I had to stop and have a cup of tea.
Then in the moment I had an idea! I placed the gasket and held it in place with small tie-wraps through the bolt holes. then sat it on top of the engine got everything located nice and just cut each one in turn and dropped the bolt in!

I've not seen it as a tip before but it does work!

Nice one- I found that a thin layer of silicone was enough to hold the gasket in place- but it was really tiresome- like your solution
I found warming the gasket in a sink of hot water helped.
... also paid a bit more attention to locating the bolts, as I think previously I had not got them through the holes in the gasket, so when torqued up the seal wasn't fully achieved = oily engine!
I thought about using silicone but having had to re-build a V8 due to blocked oil ways ( they where full of silicone bits) really didn't want to go down that route! I do like the idea of cotton thread!!!
i use silicone to hold gasket but you only need a smear ,blockages occur when people trowel it on like cement

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