
Active Member
After a bit of a disaster with a snapping timing belt one of the rockers snapped and the replacement I have recieved the body is a lot shallower. The part no. Is the same but when fitted it runs like a bag of spammers. I had a misshap with my injector pump but I'm fairly sure it's timed back in right now but running rough due to possibly a rocker arm set wrong?.

Are the shallower bodied rocker arms the same as the old deeper ones - the part no is the same. Would an out of adjustment rocker arm make ir run really rough?

Hi this is the old one.....

A is the new one.....

The part where the adjuster screw is a lot shallower than the new one but the part no. Is the same.
Iv just unscrewed the adjuster screw out a bit and it seems to run a better! It really did sound rough before. I am unable to test it properly at the mo - I'll start again iv got tommorow off work and the neighbours need a break from my banging and revving!
as long as its adjusted to give correct tappet clearance it wont matter , do all valves fully open and shut smoothly
It is rocker err1202 an exhaust valve rocker? If it is wound down too tight would it stop the exhaust valve sealing that cyl during combustion? And cause my problem?
Sorry for the amuterish questions I'm on a steep learning curve!!!
as long as its adjusted to give correct tappet clearance it wont matter , do all valves fully open and shut smoothly

They seem to all move smoothly but I had to remove and strip half the rocker arm shaft and I have no feeler gauges at the mo to check the clearence.
Today while running with the rocker cover off it fires a bit of oil up - looks like it's coming from around the pushrod holes is this normal?

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it will splash oil around the engine bay with the cover off, if its blowing from pushrods holes thats another issue
Worn bores

Hi lynall - I pulled the dipstick out and stuck my thumb over the end and it's not blowing or sucking. I can't feel anything to be honest. Does that mean the bores are ok and it's not breathing past them?

Well I adjusted the new rocker arm and it now runs great! I can't believe the difference it made.

While looking at the other rockers there is a bit of a gap on them all when the crank is turned and the rocker arm is at it's highest point is this normal?

Iv got a set of feeler gauges on the way so I'll go through them all and do the job properly. I'll do a bit of research first how to do it.
Does it chuff out of the rocker cover with oil cap removed?
Rockers should all have a gap when they are at their highest and the cam is in the right place.
Search RULE OF NINE easy to do.
From memory 0.08mm which is 20 thou.
Does it chuff out of the rocker cover with oil cap removed?
Rockers should all have a gap when they are at their highest and the cam is in the right place.
Search RULE OF NINE easy to do.
From memory 0.08mm which is 20 thou.

With oil filler cap off and my palm pressed over it I can't feel anything to be honest so fingers crossed it's ok?
Iv just found this great video...

This guys videos are great his videos have helped me out many times.

The gaps on mine looks more like 2mm!
Could this be done by turning the crank until the rocker arms are at the top of their movement then setting the gap that way?

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