
New Member
Hi all, Anyone got any ****-hot plans for rock sliders for a 90? Im going to make some to save some dosh.:)
try a quick search ... i'm sure someone made some and posted it ... it may not have bin this forum tho so i could be talkin crap ...
Here they are now, all nice an galvanized
£26 for the steel??? You was ripped orf mate. Last batch we made worked out at £14 per pair for steel, and they had tree sliders as well. Andersons Scrappy in Ripon, 2x5.6m length of 80x40 box, 3x5.6m lengths of 42.4 thick walled tube - all surplus construction stuff weighed in by builders for scrap value, £45 the lot and we made 3 pairs of sliders with tree bars, flogged for £90 a pair on fleabay ;)

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