my dau has left home now - has3 kids of her own - Grandkids are the way parents get their own back....

my son is 23 - thinks the world owes him a living and he is surrounded by fools (except his immediate mates). Biggest fools are his parents. (no comment Mondeo) but they can always help him out financially.

aint life great? I always maintain the best thing about kids is the practising! ;)
looks expensive - and all for a vehicle that blows up! - get yaself a centurion - I believe the MOD are selling em off cheap - no parking probs either. Powerd by a Jag engine - so no probs on spares - anyway yu can carry a couple of spare tracks onboard. Talking of which - didnt LR do a tracked vehicle?
Seen that page thanks dearot :) No prices though:(

Thinking about it with sump guard I'll probably be better orft taking out the LR standard placky bit and getting someone ta refabricate in chequer plate.

As for the sliders I will check with Bearmach ;)
Will let ya know how I gets on:D
Morinin MHM
Centurion - true out 'n' out gas guzzler :eek:
Might be fun though, could you imagine the neighbours faces :D
Think they'd move their cars that are ALWAYS parked outsida ma hoose :rolleyes: hhhhmmmmm

Ma boys are of thesame line of thought as yourn
and ma girls are doin the same :) I bin busy teachin the grandsons bad habits:D The granddaughters don't need me to encourage em :D Much to their mums dispare:)
Think it might turn the greenlanes into two way tracks :D
Gotta shoot
Orft to the dreaded shee hopping :eek:
And no thats not a sexual passtime;)

See yas

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