Mr Alford

New Member
it has begun been at it all day!
gna make the mounts tmrw to fix it to the chassis, will be welding a bracket to the chassis then bolting it onto that








look wonky on there because the jack aint holding them up straight!



They do indeed look the business. Amazing what you can manage, especially in such a nasty looking, cramped workshop lol. Awesome!

Wish I had a workshop :(
i get clostrophobic, fitting them tnight will take more pics thanks for the nice comments guys

got a massive event sunday so will be testing them to destruction if thats possible lol:)
Yes I bet you keep banging your elbows in that workshop:rolleyes:

No jealousy here;):D

Ive got a pair of rock sliders that I haven't fitted yet, and seen as though I dented one my doors the other week i'm gonna fabricate some tree bars :doh: (or like you have tree bars/steps) How much do they stick out from the actual slider?
:cool: That is awesome. Infact the whole Disco is awesome!

I'll be popping down with mine, when I get it lol.
errrr how you gonna take yer 'box out you seem to have welded the 'fixings' over the top of yer crossmember bolts
Ta mate,
had some sliders in garage for the past few months and been trying figure out where and how to attach em, your shots have helped me out on that score.
Any chance of a few more photos and some detail of how you have mounted them to the chassis? I've been wondering what I should do with my next week off work.....
Any chance of a few more photos and some detail of how you have mounted them to the chassis? I've been wondering what I should do with my next week off work.....

ye no prob i took those photos with my phone ill get it on the ramps and take a photo with the digicam sunday for ya

its been done at an angle for strength didnt wana use a straight section as contact from either the front or rear cud easily rip it off
I think there is a few of us eagerly awaiting your pics - know I am
ta for the offer of measurements - I'll be in touch whenthe weather warms up - my workshop is huge - you cant see the roof, but it does rain in the winter:):):):)

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