
New Member
my freelander was driven (not by me) over a rock which i herd from quite away away. when we got it home the driveshaft wich comes out of the ird had a ring wobbling around on it ther is also oil commingfrom the ird drive exit.
is this going to be alot of money involved in fixing it (not thet it never is)
The ring is probabley the driveshaft oil seal, about the size of a coffee mug, If no damage to IRD then its about 3/4hr work and cost of a seal

Brakes, not sure, needs striping to have a look at
You may be able to push the seal back in
I have one sat on my desk, metal with a rubber inner that may push in to get you about for now
yea it was the oil seal but unfortunatly its split. all the brake lines seem fine but the noise coming from the drum is a realy loud screech so it seems like somthings traped in it. comes and goes tho more noticable at low speeds. taking it to family garrige to get it sorted. managed to find a new oil seel and we dont have to pay labour cost so apart from the break it looks ok
thankyou for all the info :D
will report back on what happend to the break drum
75/90 GL5
Make sure you can undo the filler nut before you undo the drain nut, They have a habbit of seizing

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