Grande Dune du Pilat
Two very contrasting places that are well worth a visit if you are on the West coast of France. I wish I could remember the name of the railway we went up at that end of the Pyrenees.
Please do! Sounds good.
Ok you asked for it :p
Moving generally from the south of France to the English channel.
If you are going as far to the east as Carcassone it is well worth another 11/2 hours to see the castle of Queribus, stunning 360 views, and Carcassonne needs to be seen under floodlights, very atmospheric. Also some epic sweet shops!! Also have a wiki about the albigensian crusade before you go, and the doris can read Kate Mosse labyrinthe.
Albi is to the north and apart from being a very interesting town is the birthplace of Toulouse Lautrec with a stunning gallery.
To the west is Bergerac, picture postcard stuff, can't recommend highly enough.
Near Bergerac is the Vezere valley, very many stone age sites and one of the richest areas of early human habitation outside Africa/Asia. Troglodite village of Madeline near Tursac (even housed French people into very recent times) 1/2 hour to the NE near Montignac is the world famous caves at Lascaux, mind blowing cave art, probably 20 000 years old.
As said above Rocamadour is well worth visiting, a village and castle clinging onto a hillside.
Oradour sur Glane is a sombre memorial to a town destroyed by German troops during WW11, almost untouched since being discovered by neighbouring villagers.
Further north the town of Chinon (one of our favourites - 45 mins away) has the royal castle where Joan of Arc persuaded the Dauphin to fight against the invading (questionable) English.
There are many chateau along the Loire valley but two of the best for their differences are Chenonceau and Breze.
While in the area the tank museum at Saumur is worth a few hours, not as good as Bovington but a near 2nd.
Near the north coast is Bayeux with the tapestry, and just to the north on the coast is Arromanches les Bains site of the Normandy landings and with a superb D Day center. A fair number of the concrete cassions used to create the mullberry artificial harbour are still there in the surf.

We have visited all the above and a lot more besides. There are of course many other places to visit, things to do etc. Remember a lot of places will be shut for lunch from 12 to 2, just find an out of the way restaurant and have a "Plat du jour" for about 12 euros all in. Years ago when we travelled in our 110 we found beds in hotels near industrial estates of larger towns for around 25 euros per room for 2/3 people, most with good ensuite facilities, tv etc. If you want to keep prices down try B&B, Premier classe, Etap, Village etc, for a bit more money try Campanille (they usually have reasonable restuarants attached.

Dont be tempted to break the speed limits, there are an increasing number of cameras about. Buying fuel can be interesting, your card (if paying at an auto-pump) will be debited with something like 120 euros, you fill your tank for 95 euros (say) and your card is debited for that and then credited with the original 120. This all happens within minutes of course and somtimes a UK banks computer will flag up a possible fruaduent transaction blocking your card!!! Easier to pay with cash, but of course the kiosks will be shut from 12 to 2!!! Diesel over here is around 1.25 away from the autoroutes.

The way the exchange rate is going it would be worth changing your money now, I can only see it getting worse in the next few months, but that is your choice of course.

Anything more just ask. Enjoy your trip.
I know I'm a bit late to this thread, but sounds like a great trip!

Me,the Mrs and little boy (he's 2 1/2) we've booked ferry crossings in August, plan on going for 3+ weeks in the 90.

We plan to drive Dow the west coast, stopping at all the lovely little towns and exploring, we'll be camping to! My Grandparents live 40k east of Toulouse, near Puycelsi, so we will stay with them a few nights, then head up through the center of France, avoiding all main routes as much as possible! :)

Trying to justify getting a roof tent but may not quite stretch towards one this year! Good luck with your travel planning! :)
l just found this old thread and realised l had never updated it.

We did the road trip around Spain in the Summer of 2017.
lt was fabulous and l was amazed at the scenery in the North, the canyons and deserts were awesome and unexpected. We stayed is a series of rural villages, and they were all lovely. The last two days were on the hill over Bilbao and we visited the city twice, again a great experience.

The overnight ferry was OK but the sea was really rough. The Land Rover performed perfectly throughout the trip, no issues at all.

We plan to return when the world gets back to normal. Next time we will probably do a fly/drive as it effectively took us over two days to get there (day 1 drive to Southampton, overnight at Travelodge, ferry day 2 and arrive in Spain day 3)

Although it was a great adventure doing it in the 110, well it was for us anyway.
l just found this old thread and realised l had never updated it.

We did the road trip around Spain in the Summer of 2017.
lt was fabulous and l was amazed at the scenery in the North, the canyons and deserts were awesome and unexpected. We stayed is a series of rural villages, and they were all lovely. The last two days were on the hill over Bilbao and we visited the city twice, again a great experience.

The overnight ferry was OK but the sea was really rough. The Land Rover performed perfectly throughout the trip, no issues at all.

We plan to return when the world gets back to normal. Next time we will probably do a fly/drive as it effectively took us over two days to get there (day 1 drive to Southampton, overnight at Travelodge, ferry day 2 and arrive in Spain day 3)

Although it was a great adventure doing it in the 110, well it was for us anyway.
Sounds great. We've driven all over Spain (not in the Landy) it's a fantastic country with loads to visit and see.
l just found this old thread and realised l had never updated it.

We did the road trip around Spain in the Summer of 2017.
lt was fabulous and l was amazed at the scenery in the North, the canyons and deserts were awesome and unexpected. We stayed is a series of rural villages, and they were all lovely. The last two days were on the hill over Bilbao and we visited the city twice, again a great experience.

The overnight ferry was OK but the sea was really rough. The Land Rover performed perfectly throughout the trip, no issues at all.

We plan to return when the world gets back to normal. Next time we will probably do a fly/drive as it effectively took us over two days to get there (day 1 drive to Southampton, overnight at Travelodge, ferry day 2 and arrive in Spain day 3)

Although it was a great adventure doing it in the 110, well it was for us anyway.

I agree that the ferry to bilbao takes an age and is a fair chunk of the holiday just in travel. I did the picos de Europa in the series a few years ago with a friend, and we both said that it would have been cheaper and quicker to do Dover Calais and drive through France than get the ferry across. However neither of us fancied that in the serieses. That is what we did when we took the defenders to morocco, leaving at 4am (midlands) we got to Santander for about 10pm, but I would not fancy 18hour of non stop driving in the series!

This was on the track between Espinama and Sotres.

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I agree that the ferry to bilbao takes an age and is a fair chunk of the holiday just in travel. I did the picos de Europa in the series a few years ago with a friend, and we both said that it would have been cheaper and quicker to do Dover Calais and drive through France than get the ferry across. However neither of us fancied that in the serieses. That is what we did when we took the defenders to morocco, leaving at 4am (midlands) we got to Santander for about 10pm, but I would not fancy 18hour of non stop driving in the series!

This was on the track between Espinama and Sortes.

View attachment 227949

Dream trip Morocco in my green oval.
Dream trip Morocco in my green oval.
I can send you the itinerary both planned and actually achieved (included maps, lat/long, and the wikilocs tracks of the routes driven) from my last trip if you wanted. I have been twice recently and even in the two years between trips (last was 2019) the road development was huge. Most of the literature is hugely outdated now, the first time I went I was expecting everything to be a dirt road and progress to be slow and hard, but they have good quality tarmac for traversing the country to get to the areas you want to follow the dirt tracks. We did 7000k miles in 2 weeks including driving from the UK and back. would probably have bene a little more relaxed over 3 weeks but was achievable.
essential spare for a road trip, keep up.
Ah, it seemed a very specific spare to carry!
I thought you were referring to my summer starting problem, which actually turned out to be the lift pump. So better take one of those too!
Don't blame you! It's great to relive old, memorable events. :)
I've looked at that ferry before, but not done it. IIRC there's an overnight (about 24hr) crossing and a longer one.
I've driven (from Northumberland) to Southern Spain and other routes through Spain a number of times. Not in the Landy though!
There's a nice little mountain railway at that end of the Pyrenees. I'll have it written down somewhere,

Tbf... I struggle to get to one end of Northumberland to other without developing an issue in the Landy.

However referring to the OP, go for it, embrace it and make new memories. I frequently relive memories of time spent with my dad on our little adventures, nothing as grand as yours, but they meant an awful lot to me. I try to replicate them with my children and creat new memories for them and I whilst likening them to their grandad. Life is too short. It would be great if you opened a thread and kept us all updated as you go. I wished I had the confidence in my little 90 to do the Battlefields tour in France and Belgium, but it’s a heck of a drive from the North East of England. Good luck!
I can send you the itinerary both planned and actually achieved (included maps, lat/long, and the wikilocs tracks of the routes driven) from my last trip if you wanted. I have been twice recently and even in the two years between trips (last was 2019) the road development was huge. Most of the literature is hugely outdated now, the first time I went I was expecting everything to be a dirt road and progress to be slow and hard, but they have good quality tarmac for traversing the country to get to the areas you want to follow the dirt tracks. We did 7000k miles in 2 weeks including driving from the UK and back. would probably have bene a little more relaxed over 3 weeks but was achievable.


sorry top hijack the thread but am pondering on Morocco for next year if i get the 110 finished.

Have been there a couple of times but always climbing in the High Atlas and fly and transport from Marrakesh

Would welcome the info and thoughts re mods for the 110 that are required...... that are needed not just because.

Will start a thread if required
Would welcome the info and thoughts re mods for the 110 that are required...... that are needed not just because.

You do not need any mods beyond standard underbody protection (diffs, steering, tank (optional)), just make sure everything is mechanically good condition. If I remember I will message you my planned and actual itinary. Anything else you change is for comfort/living arrangements, or because you plan on doing foolish things in the dessert. You are better of taking a standard vehicle as then you will be able to get spares and packing additional kit for any foolishness required (e.g. sand ladders)

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