Tight Fart

Active Member
How can I find the build date of my Landy, it was first registered 15th Jan 1975, at present cars built pre 74 are free, so am I correct in thinking that sometime in the next year this will move to pre 1975?
If so mine must surley have been made in 1974, but how do I prove this to the DVLA?
nope ..... from next april cars made before 1st jan 75 will be exempt ... y they didnt say from 01st jan i dont know?? so i need to wait till april for free tax on my tr6

after this it rolls on every year.... if you get build records that prove built earlier you are fine but generally that only happens on cars registered built in first week of jan but occasionally can be later

and search for heritage certificate online... they offer several versions... a net check on my tr6 cost me £6 for an email answer but that will not do for tax exemption... if i had got the answer pre 74 I would then have paid the £20 or so for a certificate, tr6 is feb 74 so it was worth a £6 punt before shelling out... at least now i know i wont be exempt till next april

cheers steve
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if ppre 75 should be apr 2015 then the following year - apr 2016 - should make 1975 builds tax free, presumably they follow the fiscal year and do it from april
Worth checking with Heritage Centre. Mine was registered on 1st March 1981 but built in November 1980. Obviously not tax free for me yet but hopefully a year nearer.
I had the same with my 74 Lotus Elan. As it was first registered in January 74 I suspected it might have been built in 73 and a letter from the Lotus Archives confirmed it - it rolled off the production line on 21st December 1973!. The DVLA were happy to accept the letter as proof so now its classed as a historic vehicle. What I hadn't realised is they were rolling it forward year by year.
Just called the DVLA to see if my car is tax exempt from April as it was registered 15-1-75.
Yes she says, just go into a post office after 1st April and ask them to change the tax class to historic. (Needs to be built in 74 to qualify)
As simple as that I ask?
Yes we have the manufacturing date on the system,
Oh could you tell me that for my records please?
No prob she says, 31-12-1975,
You mean 74 I say as it was first reg in the jan 75.
Oh yes she says, you'll have to write to Land Rover then. DoH!
Another plus for the tax paid monthly. Mine runs out next January but in April 2016 I'll be exempt so will just end up paying 60 quid for a years tax :)
Another plus for the tax paid monthly. Mine runs out next January but in April 2016 I'll be exempt so will just end up paying 60 quid for a years tax :)

you could have taken the old one back to the PO and get a refund.
Next April, i.e. April 2016.

Having said that Labour stopped the 25 roll last time, so just be careful when you vote.
I'm going to be tax exempt in April too. I queried with DVLA how I get their monthly DD to stop when the Landy becomes exempt. They said I had to send in the log book, in March, with a change of status [?] to 'Historic vehicle'. I can't see why they can't do it automatically, but, for the sake of £20+ per month, I will do what they say. I didn't know you could get it amended at the Post Office, but it might be worth trying. They may be a bit busy in April I think!
Had their records shown mine was built in 1974 I would have been able to get it changed at the post office (after 1/4/2015) but it was reg on 15/1/75 and built 31/12/75!
Had their records shown mine was built in 1974 I would have been able to get it changed at the post office (after 1/4/2015) but it was reg on 15/1/75 and built 31/12/75!

DVLA don't normally have manufacturing date, unless it's been explicitly provided for some reason (such as this). By "31/12/75", they just mean "1975ish".

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