I find it easier to use eye and foot coordination. Look at speed limit sign. Look at speedo. Adjust foot on throttle pedal. How have we managed all these years without useless gadgets.
that would be so useful in places like Oxford.

that place is out to steal your driving licence.


Handy as u won’t be able to see the signs because ur be holding coffee , mobile to ur ear and steering with ur knees ,lmao

must admit have got lazy using the cruise control , ie, going through the variable speed sections on the M25 etc
Handy as u won’t be able to see the signs because ur be holding coffee , mobile to ur ear and steering with ur knees ,lmao

Sorry Gary, I do not do any of those things.

But if you had been in Oxford recently as an example you would know the speed limits can change multtiple times betweem 20 and 30 in the space if a 100 mtrs. I did not say it tales away the responsibiltiy to be aware of waht you are doing.

I find it easier to use eye and foot coordination. Look at speed limit sign. Look at speedo. Adjust foot on throttle pedal. How have we managed all these years without useless gadgets.
Ah but now we have the carefully nurtured snowflake generation that do not know the meaning of personal responsibility, it's always someone else's fault when things go wrong, so being able to blame the sign recognition system when caught doing 50 in a 30 limit sounds good :rolleyes:
Sorry Gary, I do not do any of those things.

But if you had been in Oxford recently as an example you would know the speed limits can change multtiple times betweem 20 and 30 in the space if a 100 mtrs. I did not say it tales away the responsibiltiy to be aware of waht you are doing.


I know u don’t mate , me being cheeky as always ;):p:p
Ah but now we have the carefully nurtured snowflake generation that do not know the meaning of personal responsibility, it's always someone else's fault when things go wrong, so being able to blame the sign recognition system when caught doing 50 in a 30 limit sounds good :rolleyes:

Who said that it takes away any responsibility?
It’s just making use of available technology to get rid of an unrewarding drudge of driving. A bit like automatic advance/retard, or electric indicators, or electric starter motors - unless you see a positive in reverting there as well?!
Oh, I might be asking the wrong person there :p ;)

Who said that it takes away any responsibility?
It’s just making use of available technology to get rid of an unrewarding drudge of driving. A bit like automatic advance/retard, or electric indicators, or electric starter motors - unless you see a positive in reverting there as well?!
Oh, I might be asking the wrong person there :p ;)

People now have air bags. Seat belts. Crumple zones. So the consequence of not paying attention and driving like a prick is reduced. So they drive like pricks.
I’m not sure there’s ever been a time where a proportion of drivers didn’t drive like “pricks” (with or without safety devices), but they might have been called something like “dunce” then...
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I’m not sure there’s ever been a time where a lot of drivers didn’t drive like pricks (with or without safety devices), but they might have been called something like dunce then...

I am sure you must be a younger person. The days that used to be of consideration and manners on the roads that older people well remember have sadly evaporated into bullying aggressive driving. Anywhere you go these days it's like Wacky races.
There really has never been a time where bullying and aggressive driving hasn’t been a plentiful cause of death and destruction on the roads. My own grandfather and uncle Geordie both started to drive before there was even a test and their driving was worse than anything that I’ve seen in many decades!
There really has never been a time where bullying and aggressive driving hasn’t been a plentiful cause of death and destruction on the roads. My own grandfather and uncle Geordie both started to drive before there was even a test and their driving was worse than anything that I’ve seen in many decades!

Ok so you had two crap drivers in your family. But it didn't matter much in an Austin seven. Today it does.
Not really sure why this has become personal. Please check the decline in the number of deaths on the road, especially compared to the numbers of cars on the road:


It's not personal i have had crap drivers in my family. It's the attitude of present day drivers that is the problem. If the number of deaths has not reduced with all the aforementioned safety aids something really would be wrong.

Who said that it takes away any responsibility?
It’s just making use of available technology to get rid of an unrewarding drudge of driving. A bit like - unless you see a positive in reverting there as well?!
Oh, I might be asking the wrong person there :p ;)

Who said that it takes away any responsibility?
It’s just making use of available technology to get rid of an unrewarding drudge of driving. A bit like automatic advance/retard, or electric indicators, or electric starter motors - unless you see a positive in reverting there as well?!
Oh, I might be asking the wrong person there :p ;)
If you find driving an unrewarding drudge, maybe your should not be driving. Your examples are a bit daft, automatic advance/retard is necessary for optimum engine performance, manual operation was hit and miss, nothing to do with driver attention, electric starter motors needed because it would be physically impossible to manually start a modern high compression engine for most people, again nothing to do with driver attention, as for
electric indicators, people who need road sign recognition and find driving a drudge are just the sort of people who never use them as they are not paying attention to the road in the first place.
Why are we arguing about this?

Checking for speed limit signs and adjusting speed is a drudge, necessary, but a drudge. If anyone gets a driving thrill from this, that’s fairly bizarre!

I enjoy my driving. In fact, I just passed my Advanced Driving Test in February, earning a F1rst (Destinction, in old money) and will be going on to take the IAM Masters next year, so I’m pretty keen on both driving and road safety. I just don’t get a thrill from spending too much time looking out for speed limits, not when a computer can help.
Why are we arguing about this?

Checking for speed limit signs and adjusting speed is a drudge, necessary, but a drudge. If anyone gets a driving thrill from this, that’s fairly bizarre!

I enjoy my driving. In fact, I just passed my Advanced Driving Test in February, earning a F1rst (Destinction, in old money) and will be going on to take the IAM Masters next year, so I’m pretty keen on both driving and road safety. I just don’t get a thrill from spending too much time looking out for speed limits, not when a computer can help.
And while you are not bothering to pay attention, one day you will a motorcyclist, cyclist or pedestrian.
Actually, when I think about it, when I took my advanced drivers test, failing to notice road signs was a black mark, miss too many and it was a fail.
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Okay, this has got way too silly now! You seem to be purposely misunderstanding everything I’m saying, apparently because you don’t like gadgets.
Okay, this has got way too silly now! You seem to be purposely misunderstanding everything I’m saying, apparently because you don’t like gadgets.

So you like gadgets. Maybe one of your gadgets will fail one day and kill you. I have found that the road sign recognition equipment has work perfectly in every vehicle i have ever driven. :D
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I don't like gadgets for gadgets' sake. I like gadgets that work effectively in the background and do a useful job, such as: ABS, split circuit braking systems, brake servo assistance, heated rear (and front) screens, LED and HID lamps, airbags, self dipping rear view mirrors, power steering and brakes that work in the wet, as well as the dry.

I don't understand those that feel that any new device must, somehow, be the work of the devil and that by being stupid enough to use one, it must make me an accident waiting to happen.

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