Put in a claim to the small claims court against the ltd company and him. If he doesn't turn up it will be found against him.
It is a shame he is not available, there is a chance it was just a mistake, l once took my van in to the Ford dealer for a service, they called to say it was ready, l collected it and paid, and when l got home l realised it had not been touched.
I called them and after a bit of "that cannot happen" they admitted it had been missed, and the job sheet had been filled in by somebody else, etc.
They apologised and had it collected the next day, left a courtesy van (they can find them when they want to lol) and brought it back later serviced and valeted.
So after sending a letter no response. I did some more digging.

Sam Greenstock has left the country and gone to France. I have no way of contacting him other than going to see his mother and I guess I will get no joy.

so if you see the chap in the link, keep running.

S. Greenstock Ltd

Thanks for the warning. Is there any thing you want me to say to him, if we meet?

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