there was no racism in my comment.... its a fact left hand drive trucks are far more dangerous on uk roads! and the same for uk trucks abroad! i see no reason why trucks should have to travel in foreign countries...

I'm sure a lot of british truck drivers, coach drivers etc are on your side..

Oh, i'm a bit simple....can you show me some documented statistics that LHD or RHD vehicles are more dangerous, thanks.
Prohibition rate among Czech HGVs subjected to roadworthiness tests in 2007/8 was more than 60%. Polish and Hungarian vehicles exceeded 50% and Belgian, German and Italian vehicles were more than 40%. The UK rate was 37.5%
i dont need to its blatantly obvious... how can you possibly see when you get to a roundabout..?

just for starters
BBC NEWS | UK | MPs urge foreign lorry crackdown

Oh right, one opinion and its now a fact...well lets see..i drove my RHD landy in denmark for 3 years and found that, as it was RHD, i had a better view of cyclists, especially turning right at junctions, lights it now a fact that RHD are safer for cyclists??

You have an opinion, its not a fact, same as i do.
"Many accidents are also caused because they are designed to be driven on the right hand side of the road and drivers cannot see motorists alongside when they are changing lanes on motorways and dual carriageways.'
Bit of T-Cut and you won't know the difference. I reckon it was a fat english bastard in the wagon. ( I have of course absolutely no idea but i thought i'd make a wild, ill-informed, racist guess as well).

It just concerns me because if he was foreign then theres no chance of finding him if he scooted out of the country.

"Many accidents are also caused because they are designed to be driven on the right hand side of the road and drivers cannot see motorists alongside when they are changing lanes on motorways and dual carriageways.'

Well foreign or not he defo didn't see me or didnt even look because he has been trucking for years and thinks hes gods gift

I do think LHD motors are more dangerous on RHD roads And visa versa
That's what I thought, with it being foreign not being able to catch em. Did anyone get the reg?
**** at least your still kicking. Hope the insurance don't screw you.

Did you have all the extras listed with them?

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