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What happens when i wagon takes you out....:doh:
Dont think im going to be able to save her chassis cracked and twisted. engines still good tho (I HOPE) only 33 Thou on the clock.

Absolutely gutted but im still alive. :D

Im now waiting on insurance to say how much there going to give me they dont seem to be dragging there feet and hopefully taking into consideration all the nice bits.

Anybody got any pointers how to get the best from them as iv been told they look at what its worth and then deduct 25% straight away which is worrying me slightly :confused:

would you advise buying her back? as iv got all stainless bolts in her and stainless full exhaust egr blanked, double cardon shafts etc.

Drive safe people keep those eyes up ur bum pealed!


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Kinell! You did well to get out of that!! There is a thread on here called 'MOT and then some' it is a long thread but read it all and you will get what you deserve.
:eek:Wow, I know you dont feel it but you are lucky, your health is your wealth as the saying goes.
Hope they pay up for you.
Kinell! You did well to get out of that!! There is a thread on here called 'MOT and then some' it is a long thread but read it all and you will get what you deserve.

Yeah the ambulance crew said that.. Just read "Mot and then some" good read Im in a odd situation atm wagon started drifting into my lane and my automatic reaction was to swerve to avoid him hitting me and then hit the central res after wrestling with it rolled a few times and i crawled out. With having spinal injures anyway i thought lie on my back straight away when id got far enough away and that all i know. I had an idea that the wagon and driver was foreign so if he is hes long gone. the people behind me came and helped me and one said "are you ok he said dont worry i saw everything" and then the ambulance came and got rid of everyone, the police breathalyzed me and thats it. its been nearly two weeks now and iv had no contact off the police nothing not even a licence producing ticket.

I got in touch with the insurance straight away they seem to be fine im getting a call l8r today to get there price there offering i have said about it being a high spec with factory added extras which most dont have. so Ill just see how it goes iv already paid £500 recovery charges :(
Bet is was some fekin polish bastard!!! Left hand drive trucks should not be allowed in this country! Can't believe he got off aswell..

Hope the insurance company don't try and **** you over! Good luck, altho it seems you have enough of that!
Bet is was some fekin polish bastard!!! Left hand drive trucks should not be allowed in this country! Can't believe he got off aswell..

Hope the insurance company don't try and **** you over! Good luck, altho it seems you have enough of that!

Mate of mine came to see me the other night he said the same thing!and he said one day this HGV was coming straight at me a 5am on the wrong side of the road!!!! :eek: he said o mista did he swerve when i put all my lights on! What a tool!

Well hopefully there were cameras on the road so if it was a polsky then at least the police have something to go on and see him drift into my lane! he was probably fiddling his tacos and was falling asleep the ****! but saying that we were approaching a filter in so could of just started moving over and not looked because of other vehicles come on the carriage way
Whatever you do don't accept the first price they offer.

Insurance claims are very stressful for the claimant, but not for the company. They're just following a procedure of offering you a low price, if you decline they say that's all you're getting, you complain then they up the price a little, you complain more they say no, you complain even more and they might up the price a bit more until you eventually give in and accept the offer.

Later on you find that the prices they offered was the parkers guide prices starting at the lowest category and working up.

Stick to your guns and try not to get stressed with them on the phone.
Whatever you do don't accept the first price they offer.

Insurance claims are very stressful for the claimant, but not for the company. They're just following a procedure of offering you a low price, if you decline they say that's all you're getting, you complain then they up the price a little, you complain more they say no, you complain even more and they might up the price a bit more until you eventually give in and accept the offer.

Later on you find that the prices they offered was the parkers guide prices starting at the lowest category and working up.

Stick to your guns and try not to get stressed with them on the phone.

Oh and glad you're still alive btw :)

Thanks for that it is getting stressful they have already admitted they cant go off the glasses guide or parkers because of the added extras that need covering. its been passed to there manager who has a bit more say so lets see what the opening offer is!

This is my first ever crash so any info is great thanks.

Ps im glad im alive too lol i did say to my missus when she came to the hospital "well i cant get out of this wedding for the life of me lol" it stopped her crying :p
Bit of T-Cut and you won't know the difference. I reckon it was a fat english bastard in the wagon. ( I have of course absolutely no idea but i thought i'd make a wild, ill-informed, racist guess as well).
Bet is was some fekin polish bastard!!! Left hand drive trucks should not be allowed in this country! But right hand drive are fine in Europe? Can't believe he got off aswell..Who got off with it? Nobody has been charged or found yet you have already arrested, charged and taken a Pole to court only to see him 'get off with it' Your imagination is like Norman Wisdom on Ecstacy..

Hope the insurance company don't try and **** you over! Good luck, altho it seems you have enough of that!

there was no racism in my comment.... its a fact left hand drive trucks are far more dangerous on uk roads! and the same for uk trucks abroad! i see no reason why trucks should have to travel in foreign countries...

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