
New Member
iv just got a set of ring lamps which i was told were only second to the lucas lamps.the thing is they came in a Ring box but they look a bit crap,are made in india and have "Autopal" brand on them.

Have i had my pants pulled down?

Probably seems petty but i dont want to be taken for a mug.Any help would be appreciated!!!
Are they E marked or got the kite mark on them ? , or even an arrow pointing to the right when looking at the lense ? .

Could be a copy or someones dumped them on you - power one up and look at the light pattern it produces on a wall etc . if the beam pattern looks like this \___ ( not so acute angle on the slash tho ) then there for the UK and good to use , if it looks like this ___/ or X then bin em as they will fail the MOT .

how much did you pay for them btw ? WIPAC do a conversion for around £25-27 bucks

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