I have a huge pot of the correct size fittings for them - they are the same ones all the way through.
It's a useful opportunity to replace the flexi hoses at the same time - I redid everything in copper from the ABS modulator down to the front flexi hoses, then the run from the flexi hoses to the rear flexi hoses. As long as you take your time and route them the way the old pipes were it isn't too bad. I messed up and have one of the pipes going over a electrical conduit, but hey.
If you want 12 of these fittings ( a few spares too!) let me know and I'll post them to you free - I could use some good karme ;-)
Oh and get yourself a good flaring tool - worth the extra cost. I have the Sykes Pickavant Flaremaster 2 and it worked very well. You might be able to use a cheaper one but I couldnt get one that did good reliable flares!
Drop me a PM if you want the fittings!