4x4 jake

New Member
Please help im in the middle of changing my o rings on my dreaded heater matrix (1998 4.6 p38)...the problem is that i bought some off ebay and these are rubber but the one's i have just taken off my matrix are plastic..have they sent me the wrong parts or are the o rings on my matrix wrong??? ..im doing this on the car as shown by the great links on this site..a fast reply would be very greatful as i need to sort this out ASAP
kind regards
im sure ive heard that the orginal ones are plastic and crack with age hence newer ones are rubber. But i'd hate to be wrong and you'd put it all back together!!! im sure someone will be along to let you know 100%.
Rubber will be o.k.
"O" rings are usually made from rubber not plastic as it's more flexible and seals better.
I have had "Rubber" "O" rings fitted to the heater pipes for 10 years....do you expect Eternal life from them ?????????????????
Please help im in the middle of changing my o rings on my dreaded heater matrix (1998 4.6 p38)...the problem is that i bought some off ebay and these are rubber but the one's i have just taken off my matrix are plastic..have they sent me the wrong parts or are the o rings on my matrix wrong??? ..im doing this on the car as shown by the great links on this site..a fast reply would be very greatful as i need to sort this out ASAP
kind regards

Stick the rubber ones in no problem. Yours was probably put together on the 1st of April 1998. Or on a Friday afternoon. Or both.
Stick the rubber ones in no problem. Yours was probably put together on the 1st of April 1998. Or on a Friday afternoon. Or both.

I like the logical "Old School" thinking as opposed to "If its modern, its better" mode of thinking.

Bit like the latest idea of filling the tyres with Nitrogen, does that mean we have to carry a gas bottle in the boot ??

At the end of the day, good old engineering practice will survive.

I like the logical "Old School" thinking as opposed to "If its modern, its better" mode of thinking.

Bit like the latest idea of filling the tyres with Nitrogen, does that mean we have to carry a gas bottle in the boot ??

At the end of the day, good old engineering practice will survive.


Man after me own heart you are. Nitrogen not required, better with Nitrous Oxide. At least you could have a laugh if you got a puncture. :D:D:D
Man after me own heart you are. Nitrogen not required, better with Nitrous Oxide. At least you could have a laugh if you got a puncture. :D:D:D

I have just fitted a new matrix to my P#* and when i come to put the pipes on it looked like the O rings were not seating properly so i pressure tested and they were leaking and i could not tighten up the clamp propely so i stripped it down and found that a recess in the plastic was not deep enough to take the pins on the clamp so had to get stanly knife to recess them a bit more .seem to be ok now .

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