Anyone near to the Rochdale area who could do me a BIG MAHOOSIVE favor (and know what they are looking at with cars) please?
I'm about to buy a written of Freebie to put Dads back on the road... Donor car needed.
I could do with someone popping in, looking at the car, to see:-
a) it's all there - although Radio and Battery have probably gone
b) engine and box are in place and not p155ing oil everywhere - running if possible - and clutch travel seems to be there!
c) VCU is on the vcar - possibly not seized
d) Half Leather interior is OK - not ripped
e) Alloys are on the car - and hopefully road worthy
f) be able to take some pictures and email them to me.

I'm willing to send a PayPal payment to cover time; fuel and actually get the info that's required.
Please Note...
This is located in a breakers Yard; and It has been written off at the rear.
I'm repairing a threedoor - SWB VAN, so I only need the two front seats anyway (well.. not need, but would like)
I need loads of engine and g/box ancillaries - VCU and possibly the IRD (due to the end of the OSF shaft NOT being correctly fitted - although not damaged.

If there such a person - I would go there myself; but It's 1.5hrs if I'm lucky, and I would rather have a good second opinion on this - to see if the car is actually worth spending 650 (including getting it home to Nottinghamshire).

Thanks Guys / Girls...
well... my plea didn't go according to plan..
I paid a deposit for the car... told the guy I was going to see it that saturday... and....
The address he gave was NOT his address at all.
I rang the guy and basically - I was £200 lighter.
So after a gruelling discussion with my mate who loaned me the money...... I'm down and really p155ed off about it..
Are we allowed to name and shame people on this site.... especially those who take money and dont ever want to return it or give what you have paid for???
if so... is there a name and shame section???
The Guys Name is D. Lanyon, 07704 ***297 from Queensway, Rochdale.
he says he has a unit on Harp Business Centre, Harp Industrial Estate, Queensway, Rochdale OL11 2QQ
But it's not his address and it is used by a TV refurb guy.
The thing is... there is a garage on this industrial estate, and the guys says that Dean parks cars in his parking spaces.....(they are allocated so many per business unit)
but nothing was there and neither was he...
his mobile number is no longer answered and the details have been given to the police.
I even have his bank account details where the money was transferred to. according to the sort code, it is a Halifax Bank Account registered in Rochdale.
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If details have been given to the police and a court case is possible posting may prejudice your case so I've moderated the post.

PM me is you want it reinstated @xpuser8334
no problem moderating it... the police ended up saying because the value is so low they won't pursue things further.
really? thats handy to know, so from now on I am going to scam as many people as possible out of £200 because I know the police won;t do anything about it!!! that takes the pi55!!!!
Yes LandyMan.... imagine how pi55ed off I was when they said the value wasnt high enough to pursue.... to the point, the legal fee surrounding the recovery would be into thousands... I was told "they will keep the information on file - pending him being caught for a higher value crime...... what ever that means.
I think they will return my money if he is done for a higher value!!!
anyway.... before paying anyone with this surname in Rochdale..... PM me and I will confirm the details against the ones you have.
Yes LandyMan.... imagine how pi55ed off I was when they said the value wasnt high enough to pursue.... to the point, the legal fee surrounding the recovery would be into thousands... I was told "they will keep the information on file - pending him being caught for a higher value crime...... what ever that means.
I think they will return my money if he is done for a higher value!!!

Small claims will work out ok
Go to Citizens Advice or search on line, many solicitors give 1st hr free
Already been through that... I have all of his details - and given up pursuing the money...
just be careful when dealing with this guy.. he apparently has a brother.... his name is dean and his brother is called David.
That is so out of order. To be stung and then stung again by the police.

Does this mean the police will not be issuing speeding tickets up to £200 because its to much like hard work getting the money?
no but if I had gone you would have known there was no car and not lost the money, would have gone to my favourite garden center so the misses would have been happy. Anyway if you see anything round here in future pm me. my step dad died last year and my other halfs dad both with cancer. I would have been more than happy to help.
That is very kind of you...thank you so much....the problem though..I spoke to the guy and told him I wanted the full car to strip. He said ok and agreed to deliver it. He rang me back an hour latet and said he had a buyer for the engine and box, but for a deposit; he would keep the car whole. Being in a panic.. i agreed to pay the deposit thinking all was legit and above board. Two days later; I waited at home with the remaining cash. Took a day off work expecting the car to arrive. When it didnt arrive at 4pm I rang the guy who said the driver was ill.i said I would pop up the following day to see the car.... the rest is history i'm afraid.... so... to be honest... i parted with my cash on good faith with my own stupidity....

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