So, when I bought this thing (06 3TD) it was a smooth ride (even with 20" on her), got 'suspension fault' and suddenly the ride is the worst ever!! You feel everything on the road. Like all shocks just decided, ah hell, i've had enough! EAS was active, going up and down no probs. So, checked battery, alternator was shot. Replaced alternator and battery, got no lights on dash. Replaced ignition switch, got lights back. Start her up, 'suspension lowered' error and EAS not working. Take -ive off for 30 min, put back on. No errors, EAS works, goes up and down, blah blah. Still rides like a pig... Have had it plugged in and no errors... Was gonna rebuild the compressor this week just as a precaution anyway. But has anyone ever had this?? Cheers :confused:
Yeah, cheers guys. I'm hoping that's all it is. Amazing how quick it happened, driving along nice and smooth, bang, suspension fault, driving like a crock of sh!t£... Even the P38 didn't do this! much;)

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