
New Member
Took the bull by the horns today fed up with the excessive backlash caused by the wear in the gear and shaft from gearbox to transfer box removed the cover then the bearing housing and outer track cleaned the inside of the gear and the end of the shaft with a steam cleaner airline to dry then hit the void in the end of the gear with my mig making sure all the backlash was taken up in the drive rotation filled the entire void with good wetting weld so well fixed cooling every now and again with the airline washed out the transfer box replaced the bearing and housing plus coverplate refilled with oil and all good thrashed it up the road what a difference quieter no slack i know they are now throw away items should the worst happen but the box is quiet and changes nicely so hopefully a new lease of life


So if both boxes are inseperable if the transfer box blew then the gearbox would have to be changex aswell and removed as 1 unit
Not entirly true the gear can be cut off as the shaft and gear where already very worn its no real loss and should give the old girl some more life

input gear to main shaft of gear box , it works but means both boxes are inseparable

Can you not buy a new input gear and slot it in from pto cover? I guess if your mainshaft is worn it wont work v well. If thats worn then as you say the box is a rebuild job anyway?
Just an update all good it is so quiet collected 2 tonnes gravel in the tipper no issues highly reccommended bodge.


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