Well I fitted and tested the one I had delivered yesterday - works a treat,will let the BECM sleep after a couple of mins at 22mA. Only a P38 fob will now wake it - not like the old one which I used my Disco 1 fob to wake up.
Ok, found out a bit more, apparantly once the RF Reciever unit is "installed" it has to matched to the key by the same process as you would for re-coding the key fob.

Put the key in the closed drivers door,Hold the close button down then turn the key to left twice then to the right once!!

This alledgedly matches the new reciever to the key and off you go???

We will find out who is telling porkies tomorrow!!
Ok, found out a bit more, apparantly once the RF Reciever unit is "installed" it has to matched to the key by the same process as you would for re-coding the key fob.

Put the key in the closed drivers door,Hold the close button down then turn the key to left twice then to the right once!!

This alledgedly matches the new reciever to the key and off you go???

We will find out who is telling porkies tomorrow!!

That's a load of ballcocks, the receiver is just that, it receives the radio signal from the FOB and passes it to the BECM where the code is checked.:rolleyes:
That's a load of ballcocks, the receiver is just that, it receives the radio signal from the FOB and passes it to the BECM where the code is checked.:rolleyes:
Totally ! The proceedure they are describing is to resynch a fob after new batteries are fitted........ (All in the owners handbook)
Totally ! The proceedure they are describing is to resynch a fob after new batteries are fitted........ (All in the owners handbook)

Yep, (and that's if it needs a resync after changin batteries)

You asked, several answer's,..........strangly all the same :rolleyes:

Tell them bollox, it is deffo old one off, plug in new, one screw to secure, trim refitt.......takes minutes, and works!!!!
Well, thanks for all the replies. Went to the chaps who normally fix my RR when things are serious, they tested the RF unit and sure enough its was no good. They orderd me one on account, off I went, picked it up and fitted it in 30 seconds, wires off wires on, test, DONE!! No key codeing etc, just a straight plug in and go!!

Now the battle begins with original supplier of the first unit who for some reason are still being cagey about the unit they supplied. I paid cash through our work shops so just want my cash back and give them back the dud unit. now the original supplier wants to see the invoice of the second unit before they will "consider" a refund!!!!!!

WTF!!!......they supplied a faulty part, just give me my money back!!!

Oh, and just to make you all smile, I contacted my local RR main dealer in Cambridge for advise as well, their answer was.............."first we will have to book into our workshops to be inspected but it sounds like the BECM unit has packed up, replacement could be around £3500!!!!"

Nice one Marshalls!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
Add wireless doorbells, Wifi, wireless electricity monitors and a number of other such devices to that list.
If the RF receiver develops a fault as opposed to picking up stray signals, it can keep the BECM awake in the middle of the bloody Sahara desert:eek:
yes you are right my p38 bat was flat after 2 days so just unplugged aerial lead ok my key will only work near window and not 2 miles away fixed
well well well , what a story ???????????? whoever is giving you imformation regarding programing etc etc is leading you up the path !!!!!! I have fitted approx. 100 r.f. recievers over the last 3 years and they are exactly plug and play ..it sounds to me that you have been conned cos up to the early part of last year the cost was variable from £120..00 to £ 180.00 due to the fact that main dealers no longer have them as a stock item then GREEDY BASTARDS have priced them in excess of £250.00 .. also some unscrupulous people on fleabay re-sticker the old ones and replace the blue round sticker with a green one.!!!! the only way to properly identify the right one i.e. the mark 3 wich was released to aftermarket and never fitted on assembly wich ended in 2002 is to open the top easy to do and compare with the 3 photos on an old thread of mine .!!!! each one is different as you will see ..if your still stuck then p.m. me and I will give you my noumber and help you sort it ,, main thing is to fully charge up the car battery and also check fob batterys are good and the fob does actually work i.e. test indoors away from vechicle ..ok cheers MOZZ.:):):)
It's a straight swop, you should not even have to resync the key. Make sure the unit is not a 315MHz unit, that will not work. You need to make sure it says 433MHz (to match your key). If you have a high battery discharge, check if the becm is going to sleep, if an auto, see if the red LED next to the P on the gear shift lever goes out after 2mins (switch off ignition and int. lights first), if it still glows dimly after 2mins, becm is not going to sleep. The problems with the rf receiver, are only in certain locations eg airports, garages and possibly other powerful devices at same frequency. If your becm does not go to sleep in the middle of no where its not the rf receiver.

I did this test, and the LED on mine goes straight out! No glow no nothing!
I did this test, and the LED on mine goes straight out! No glow no nothing!
davidg is wrong, certain RF receiver failure modes will keep the BECM awake with no external RF interferance and possibly burn the locks. Yours sounds OK, the glow is very hard to see in daylight.
davidg is wrong, certain RF receiver failure modes will keep the BECM awake with no external RF interferance and possibly burn the locks. Yours sounds OK, the glow is very hard to see in daylight.

Thanks, I did it in the dark. As soon as I stop the engine and turn the key off, "P" goes dark. No lights at all! Sounds OK then :)
Clamp meter is better than a normal ammeter in series with the battery, disconnecting the battery means you have to wait for the BECM to go to sleep again.

Ii's possible to connect a normal amp in series without BECM notice, if you can't then yes a clamp is quicker but doubt most people have one. (I do though)
Ii's possible to connect a normal amp in series without BECM notice, if you can't then yes a clamp is quicker but doubt most people have one. (I do though)
How do you connect an ammeter in series with the battery without the BECM noticing? You have to disconnect the battery to connect the ammeter and when you reconnect the battery the BECM wakes up, at least it does on mine:confused:
How do you connect an ammeter in series with the battery without the BECM noticing? You have to disconnect the battery to connect the ammeter and when you reconnect the battery the BECM wakes up, at least it does on mine:confused:

loosen battery clamp, connect amp meter between terminal and clamp before taking of clamp completely, simples:)

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