
Technician, Bodgit & Scarper Ltd
Full Member
P38 manual box, 1995 oil burner.

Possibly a question for @briansp38dse as I think he's been here before ...

I'm having to wiggle the gearstick more and more often to get the reverse lights to light up and suspect the switch is giving up the ghost. I cannot remember where the switch is but guessing on top of the gearbox? What's the best way to get at it?!


Nobody says they’re cheap to run but why do LR need to take the p..s:mad:
The OEM spec is probably going to last long enough to save you from doing the job again lol.:cool:
Apart from branding, the OEM switch is likely to be exactly the same as the cheapo, LR don't make switches, the buy them in.
The switch is just above the gearbox cooler pipe block and a lot more accessible than the neutral switch which is a bit higher up and towards the back more, i just just went out and checked and its easy job from under the passenger side, well easier for me being on the small side:D
The switch is just above the gearbox cooler pipe block and a lot more accessible than the neutral switch which is a bit higher up and towards the back more, i just just went out and checked and its easy job from under the passenger side, well easier for me being on the small side:D

Cheers. I might even ring the Stealers and see what they quote, just for a laugh.

Well, I guess if my hands don't fit (and I seem to recall there's a breather there and maybe something else hard to get to that I moved getting the transfer box off?) then I will just have to drop the cross member slightly.

Cheers. I might even ring the Stealers and see what they quote, just for a laugh.

Well, I guess if my hands don't fit (and I seem to recall there's a breather there and maybe something else hard to get to that I moved getting the transfer box off?) then I will just have to drop the cross member slightly.


You should be able to get to it ok, its just a case crawling under and reaching up with a socket.

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