I wasn't inclined to read through all of the 500 page novel that you posted but I don't agree. Many people still don't use satnavs because they're inaccurate and have been shown at times to be downright dangerous. I still prefer to look at a map and use route cards and/or road signs rather than paying attention to a tiny screen.

Same with reversing cameras and parking sensors. They may be handy but in no way are they a good substitute for a mirror. Cameras can't provide a view from different angles and don't give you proper depth of vision. You see exactly what's in front of the camera and that's that. So if you rely on that and you're reversing and a kid runs behind you (let's say you'd be able to see them in wing mirrors or a rear view mirror) and you hit them, what's your excuse? 'Aw he didn't show up in the camera?' I don't think that'll wash.

You don't have to agree with me, but why the need for that introductory snide remark?

I explained that cameras are useful for the disabled and elderly after their dismissal as totally useless , and you respond and say I write a '500 page novel'.

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