

I've just reversed in to a brick wall, totalling ignoring my reverse sensors.

Now when i put it into reverse i get a constant high pitched noise for a few seconds before it stops. The parking sensor light is flashing rather than constant and the sensors have stopped working.

Im hoping the cable has just come out of the back of the sensor but i would have thought the others may have still worked.

Any ideas gratefully received,


I've just reversed in to a brick wall, totalling ignoring my reverse sensors.

Now when i put it into reverse i get a constant high pitched noise for a few seconds before it stops. The parking sensor light is flashing rather than constant and the sensors have stopped working.

Im hoping the cable has just come out of the back of the sensor but i would have thought the others may have still worked.

Any ideas gratefully received,


Probably got sot some brick dust wedged in the sensors ...........
Its a 2005 Freelander TD4.

Wiped all the brick dust out but still gives a loud beep (different to normal beep) and then goes off and the parking sensor light starts to flash.

Possible you have deformed or damaged one of the sensors, unplug each one in turn til you find the duff one ... may have to wash the sensors, a brush off of fine dust may not be enough ...
Possible you have deformed or damaged one of the sensors, unplug each one in turn til you find the duff one ...

I only hit one bang on, the others are untouched so pretty sure i know which one it is. Is it a bumper off job or can you get to them without???
I only hit one bang on, the others are untouched so pretty sure i know which one it is. Is it a bumper off job or can you get to them without???

Dunno, I'm only using logic so far ...

Did you tell which Hippo you have ? Oh yeah you did
You can put your ear to the sensors and hear a 'ticking' sound - if not, one has failed

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