You certainly thrive on wind-ups wammers.

My wife, being petite, 7 months pregnant & who drives (until recently) a small sports car certainly appreciates the added convenience of parking sensors on the infrequent times she takes the much bigger rangie out. You have to put yourself outside your own 'perfections' to appreciate convenience features of modern cars.
Hello All

I fitted:-
They work very well but a little bit too sensative. The front ones can go off when there is nothing there especally when there is wet on the bumper.
I fitted the control unit in the boot. The wires to the front sensors are long but not long enough for a Range Rover. I extended the wires which is probably why they are sensative.
If I was to fit them again I would try to position the control unit so that all the wires reach the sensors.

The dark green is a perfect match to epsom green.
The hole saw also works well if you take it slow through the steel in the bumpers.
You certainly thrive on wind-ups wammers.

My wife, being petite, 7 months pregnant & who drives (until recently) a small sports car certainly appreciates the added convenience of parking sensors on the infrequent times she takes the much bigger rangie out. You have to put yourself outside your own 'perfections' to appreciate convenience features of modern cars.

Steady there Martyn, using logic to challenge those so absolutely sure of their own ill informed drivel probably won't work... ;)

But hey, presumably those of us who quite like parking sensors are "brain dead, non spatially aware maggots", so aren't worth listening to anyway? :rolleyes:
Steady there Martyn, using logic to challenge those so absolutely sure of their own ill informed drivel probably won't work... ;)

But hey, presumably those of us who quite like parking sensors are "brain dead, non spatially aware maggots", so aren't worth listening to anyway? :rolleyes:
You certainly thrive on wind-ups wammers.

My wife, being petite, 7 months pregnant & who drives (until recently) a small sports car certainly appreciates the added convenience of parking sensors on the infrequent times she takes the much bigger rangie out. You have to put yourself outside your own 'perfections' to appreciate convenience features of modern cars.

Take a look in the mirror and look at the one being wound up. :D:D
I live in london and I am one of those who can't drive :p
Parking spaces where I go to is ultra tight and I don't like hit and run or park and run incidents

For the sake of other road user I am going to install the beeping sensors, I already have the camera working with my head unit.
I live in london and I am one of those who can't drive :p
Parking spaces where I go to is ultra tight and I don't like hit and run or park and run incidents

For the sake of other road user I am going to install the beeping sensors, I already have the camera working with my head unit.

Last time i was in London i don't think i saw a car without a dent somewhere on it. Seems things have not changed a lot.
If you are around london and spotted a green range parked between 2 bay at an angle that would be me :p

However, I only do that if there are plenty of space around. I used to drive a Supra then a M3 and no matter how many space in the parking lot and how far I park away from entrance, there will be an idiot parking right next to my car with a baby seat on the side where my car is parked
If you are around london and spotted a green range parked between 2 bay at an angle that would be me :p

However, I only do that if there are plenty of space around. I used to drive a Supra then a M3 and no matter how many space in the parking lot and how far I park away from entrance, there will be an idiot parking right next to my car with a baby seat on the side where my car is parked

Put a tape measure across the bays. They should be a minimum 8 feet wide. If not they are illegal. There is a set size for parking bays many supermarkets and even councils squeeze them to get more little cars in. Big cars are second class citizens on car parks these days.

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