the boy

New Member
I have no idea how this happened but it has left me in a bit of trouble with an MOT coming up next week! I pulled off the M5 and heard a large bang followed by a lot of flapping. Looking underneath I found a festool of cables wrapped around the front prop shaft.

Fuel Gauge: The fuel tank end is in tact, in as far as there are three cables of reasonable length still attached to the tank. I cannot find the dashboard ends of these or the snapped ends from where they were ripped.

The reverse light switch was left with two very short ends of cable, and likewise, i don't know where to find the other ends.

Where do (or should) the fuel gauge cables leave the bulkhead?
Is the reverse light just an inline switch or does the switch wire return to the dash for any reason?

Any other ideas of how to rectify the problem would be greatly received!!
Fuel gauge cables run along the top of the right hand chassis rail under the bulkhead and behind to the right (as your looking at it from in the bonnet) of the clutch master cylinder. From memory I'm sure the reverse light switch switches the live side of the light, the live goes to the switch out the other side and to the reverse light then to earth, both wires go along the top of the gearbox under the bulk head and come out in more or less the same place as the fuel gauge wires.
I've done this job on a landy that very problem happened to. Easiet way I found to do it was to get another loom lay it out on the floor it will be more obvious which wire goes where so you match it to the one above then make your sure, you give your self some extra length cut it to join the broken ends. If's this makes sense to you
From memory I'm sure the reverse light switch switches the live side of the light, the live goes to the switch out the other side and to the reverse light then to earth/quote]

it does on Yellas replacement loom, so I am confident that is std.
ive just rewired mine , the reverse lamp wires , green/blk and green off the top of my head , could have been green and green/brown , anyway , they go up to a block on the main harness just behind the brake servo/clutch servo / pedal box's.
the tank wires go to the same place , there is three of these if my memory serves me well , white , green and black , they too go to the same place. the wires that got torn off , do they have connectors on the end? if not you are in luck as the connectors will be still in the blocks behind the pedal box on the bulkhead , this will make things much easier to see where the wires connect to as i had a right job sorting this out on mine.
if not get back to us and il go and have a look at mine for you and il try to get you a pic to show you where they go.
also , you can buy these harness's for a few quid from most places, craddocks etc. if you need em let me know and il get you the part numbers.
Int it I allus thought that if it was there it had to work! I spent half a day in the ****ing rain getting my reversing light to work before my last MOT!!!!!!! Bugger.
As far as I am aware it is, there was someone on here got failed because the switch was jiggered and it had to be held into reverse to keep it on. Turned out that it just need adjusted but he still got failed first time round.
its not testable , you dont need one , perhaps if its there it must be working just like if you have a spare wheel its testable but if you dont have one its not a fail.
its not testable , you dont need one , perhaps if its there it must be working just like if you have a spare wheel its testable but if you dont have one its not a fail.

I did the same as you guys, spent a day in the rain, splashing about underneath, then proudly saying to the tester, look the reverse light works... only to be told "dont matter mate, it's not in the test" :(
He was probably just saying that to **** you off. I think the rule is with anything over and above the standard fittings, if its on, it must work.

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