My 98 dse was bought earlier this year with a spring conversion.
After declaring this as a modification it doubled my insurance

All the air components are there except the airbags.

How can I test the components to see if it is a viable project?
I have pump. Valve block. Height sensors. Tank etc

Do you have diagnostics? If so, you can drive all the bits to see if they work.
If not, you can test by bridging various relays for the pump etc.
To be honest, if you've got all the bits and the pump runs OK then refurbishing the pump and valve block isn't expensive or difficult.
Height sensors are expensive to replace but easy.
You can download storey wilsons software foc and with that you'll be able to see if the height sensors work (you'll need a cable though)
I, personally would pay the extra to get genuine Dunlop airbags as I've heard tales of the britpart ones not being very good.
I would read wammers write up on it in the technical section. Lots of good information in there.
Don't be afraid of it, it isn't that complicated once you get your head round it and worth the effort as the ride will be infinitely better.
Lots of help on here with it but you will need software or nanocom.
If you're planning on keeping it a while, I'd invest in a nanocom. Brilliant bit of kit.
i agree with Wazzajnr, in the process of converting mine back to air (when time allows), but so far its just been a couple of hours rebuilding the block and compressor and fitting new height sensors. What i have learn't in the process is knowledge that will last the lifetime of my ownership. At times valves, this, pump that, seemed a little confusing but once you start stripping it down seeing how it all operates it really is nothing to be afraid of. I just hope when i finish the ride is as good as everyone on here says.
No diagnostic as yet just the old fashioned meters and probes.
Had the idea of fitting the bags with the 'emergency kit' to inflate then removing the extra wiring that bypasses the ecu and seeing what happens?
Have read many posts of conflicting information my brain is like scrambled eggs
Should the pump respond to direct power ?
No diagnostic as yet just the old fashioned meters and probes.
Had the idea of fitting the bags with the 'emergency kit' to inflate then removing the extra wiring that bypasses the ecu and seeing what happens?
Have read many posts of conflicting information my brain is like scrambled eggs
Should the pump respond to direct power ?
Meter and probes are of limited use on the p38, that said, you do need then and need to know how to use them.
Nanocom will be the best thing you bought yourself if you want to keep it a while.
Airbags with the emergency valves will work to a point but won't be anything near as good as the real thing. For one thing, dropping at motorway speed makes it much more stable which you won't get with manual valves. Buying 4 new bags then not getting the rest sorted is, in my opinion, madness. You might as well stick with the, can't say it.
Have you downloaded rave yet? If not, do so, all wiring diagrams are in there.
Also, read wammers post on eas in the technical archive. It will tell you what to check and also how to run the compressor off the car for testing.
EAS is a simple thing to fix... the difficulty can be fannying around with the leccy bits :eek:

I recently rebuilt my pump & valve block and took some pictures (in the technical section should you care to peruse) and it was really easy actually :)

Stick with it and return to air as it is flabulouso :cool:
All 4 Dunlop bags can be had from somewhere like Island-4x4 for around £200. In fact, @MrGorsky might have 4 second-hand bags you can have for testing?

Storey Wilson's software and cable can be had from Datatek on here for very little. You have to send a message using the "Conversation" feature.

Now as to why it was converted. Good question. Usually it is the valve block that need refurbing, the o-ring kit and the 2 diaphrams. The pump may need refurbing or be totally shot (send a message to KurtJohnson if you need a new one and see if he has one going) and sometimes it is the connector behind the a-post or the connector pins on the driver pack. Wammers has done a troubleshooting guide in the Technical Section with almost everything you need to know.
Reason for emergency kit was so it kept mobile as I use it daily.
I have no idea why it was removed just is and have £200 receipt for springs??+fitting
If previous owner was willing to spend that much to change it had he been quoted loads to repair?? Hence the need to test.
£400+ for diagnostic is a bit out my budget if adding new springs and motor £300 ish.
Have downloaded rave and seen the names you mentioned in other threads for pump and cables.
Will try for cables first and test motor
If I plug pipes for airbags it should hold air?
Reason for emergency kit was so it kept mobile as I use it daily.
I have no idea why it was removed just is and have £200 receipt for springs??+fitting
If previous owner was willing to spend that much to change it had he been quoted loads to repair?? Hence the need to test.
£400+ for diagnostic is a bit out my budget if adding new springs and motor £300 ish.
Have downloaded rave and seen the names you mentioned in other threads for pump and cables.
Will try for cables first and test motor
If I plug pipes for airbags it should hold air?
For just eas, the free software with datatek's cable is fine and works well.
I would test the pump and valve block as per wammers guide first and only then buy the air bags.

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