
New Member
Hi everybody.

I've just bought a 2001 110 Double Cab Pickup TD5 after years of hankering after a Landy and am absolutely delighted.

I'm adding a few bits to it and would like peoples opinion:

My local guy has a brand new steering guard (original Land Rover part) which looks very similar to the Mantec one and wants £120 for it. Sound okay?

I'm also looking to put a diff guard on the front (due to the fact I'm often driving round over tree stumps) and am torn between the QT guard or the John Craddock heavy duty one....Any advice gratefully received.

Also I am looking at a snorkel and was looking at the Mantec or Safari...Any points?

Thanks in advance....
Hi there Jumpjim welcome to the best forum on the interthing, probably.

These are just my opinions and in no way should be interpreted as the law.

1. If you've got £120 to spend on £20 worth of product then it's your choice. I realy don't know if they do any good and rather think they don't

2. In my humble opinion your diff will be stronger than a diff guard, why not drive slowly round the tree stumps if you feel resistance STOP.

3. If you want to venture into water more than four feet deep buy a boat.

If this was the Gaylander bit I would get slated for these comments and apologise in advance if your offended by my them. But I realy don't understand how fashion and Land Rovers go together.
Oh and if you want retrofit central locking try Vehicle Wiring Products.

They've got a web site, but I've lost all my favorite things on my toolbar or I'd post the link

Re the qusetions ,, if you look in your local landrover mags you will find what you want ,, or at the landrover shows when there on in your area.
GRUNT said:
Hi there Jumpjim welcome to the best forum on the interthing, probably.

These are just my opinions and in no way should be interpreted as the law.

1. If you've got £120 to spend on £20 worth of product then it's your choice. I realy don't know if they do any good and rather think they don't

£20 of product? I haven't seen one for that price yet, and certainly not one as well made as the Mantec/LR ones. As for whether they do any good: It doesn't take a rocket scientist looking under the car to see that the steering arms are pretty exposed, and I understand that they are fairly vulnerable off-road to the likes of tree stumps. I don't always have the option of going around them so I thought it made sense to put some protection in.

GRUNT said:
2. In my humble opinion your diff will be stronger than a diff guard, why not drive slowly round the tree stumps if you feel resistance STOP.

I'd rather not take the shock on the diff in the first place, hence the need for a guard? In my experience by the time you've felt the resistance you are already damaging it. What is the point of loading the diff up when you can put a guard (such as the QT one) in place to protect it?

GRUNT said:
3. If you want to venture into water more than four feet deep buy a boat.

I'll just have to plan my routes avoiding any rivers/fords just in case then? i understood that the snorkels were also a good idea to prevent water ingress into the side air intake.

GRUNT said:
If this was the Gaylander bit I would get slated for these comments and apologise in advance if your offended by my them. But I realy don't understand how fashion and Land Rovers go together.

I'm sorry for posting. I was of the opinion prior to joining that this was a serious forum for people who actually USE their land rovers and frankly I don't see what fashion has to do with it. The military put diff/steering guards on their Landys I'm led to believe, but maybe they're doing it just for looks? If there is anybody with something constructive to say about my points above I would appreciate their input.
and apologise in advance if your offended by my them.

Righto then it seems I've touched on a raw nerve again, I'm having a laugh, a bit of banter, Lighten up a bit,

£20 worth of product

That is in my opinion what they are worth, if I had to buy the materials to make one at a guess £20 is what it would cost. What someone charges for something and what they are worth are two totaly diferent things.

I am of the opinion that most accessories on a lot of Land Rovers are unessesary and therefore items of fashion...............................Oh I give up.
The military do, in some cases, fit steering guards, and I can see the logic, everything is pretty exposed underneath. Worth noting that squaddies are not the cleverest sometimes when it comes to driving cautiously, not like they pay for the repairs!

The Mantec guards are very nice to look at, and solid, looked great on my Disco when I had it, but probably better to go with a more functional galvanised steel one, Paddock Spares do them for about £45 with recovery points.

As for the diff guards, not exactly a fashion accesory as they're not very visible when you're the right way up! For the sake of a few quid, what harm can they do? Equally, unless you're doing some pretty extreme rock-crawling, they're probably not necessary.

Your money, and your choice, but shop around on the interweb first for the best prices - function tends to be cheaper than good looks!
Hi, in response to your question about central locking.

i had central locking retro fitted to my 2000 110 csw by a company called motormods from cheltenham. they came out and did the work at home, it took them most of the day and it cost about £350. they even came out to modify it when I had a minor problem with it - all under warranty. It has been integrated with the standard Landy alarm / immobiliser.

I didn't get the backdoor done as it would have required a replacement lock etc. I might do it at somepoint.
Hope this helps.
GRUNT said:
Righto then it seems I've touched on a raw nerve again, I'm having a laugh, a bit of banter, Lighten up a bit,

you should know by now grunt that some people are just too far up their own arse to understand the wit of us idiots
Maybe I'll never understand the human race. I think I'll just go and talk to Elvis, who incidentaly is alive and well and is currently residing in the rocker cover of my old BSA.

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