This may be a stoooopid question/already cover/debunked/already done but was thinking of using fire grate blacking to protect the exhaust on my defender on the ouside. Any thoughts. Fire grates get to welding temp sometimes when burning high quality anthracite or holly logs, so thought it might be an idea. I know moisture from inside will eventually rust it through but it should work in theory on the outside?
This may be a stoooopid question/already cover/debunked/already done but was thinking of using fire grate blacking to protect the exhaust on my defender on the ouside. Any thoughts. Fire grates get to welding temp sometimes when burning high quality anthracite or holly logs, so thought it might be an idea. I know moisture from inside will eventually rust it through but it should work in theory on the outside?
Every chance it will rust from the inside out anyway and if the blackening on my wood stove is anything to go by it doesn't last (fades and scuffs)and fairly sure it is not 'weather proof'. You may even have to take the back box off to get at it all... then it may not go back on if near the end of its life.
I would save my time and effort and leave it well alone... a complete 3 part exhaust will only set you back just over £120
If ity aint bust.... dont fix it. Cant see many people saying 'nice grate blackened exhaust mate':)

rear wheel arch

no one thinks that steering rod needs replacing then?
no one thinks that steering rod needs replacing then?

I was thinking the same thing :S

i get to bring it home on tuesday next week. once its on the ramps ill get even better pictures for you.

second its on the path im going to start working on it. scrubbing it down, ill get some before and after pictures.

cheers for the post
Well finaly got the defender towed back home. slap the battery in there break lights were working but non of the others did. on the dash was fuses so u supose i got to go get some new ones sorted. turn the key and to my suprise it started! it didnt even turn over it just started! after being told by 2 mechanics to leave it and not bother with it, the thing started first time hahaha

the tracking is off and i needs new wheels an tyres. cleaned it up a bit today and its not green with moss no more its blue :) will have pictures inside and out to post up tomorow :)


yerl be amazed really, bet its not that much to do, get it clean tho, they will make out its worse if it look like yer dunt care !
yerl be amazed really, bet its not that much to do, get it clean tho, they will make out its worse if it look like yer dunt care !

oh dont worry tomorow im going to go out an buy some wire brushes an go to work underneith with a mate and start scrubbing the surface rust.ill post up and you guys can tell me what you think. i want to replace the tracking rods hopefully it wont cost much. over time im hoping to replace most of everything underneith :)
if yer can get it thru a mot, go for it, :) then get yer bits as yer need them , its easier if its on the road

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